Framework Funding Status of ’07-’09 Projects Report to OGIC 3/18/2009
2 ‘07-’09 Framework Funding OGIC endorsed projects on 1/25/09 7 projects $451,000 Projects expire and deliverables due 6/30/09
3 ‘07-’09 Framework Funding Hydro DevelopmentWRD, BLM Cadastral Data SharingLCOG, Deschutes Co, DOR WetlandsOWEB Geologic Data DOGAMI Road CenterlineODOT SoilsOSU Fish Habitat DistributionODFW
4 Hydro Development WRD, BLM Funded for $50,000 Work performed to date: Incorporated State of Oregon identified edits into NHD Technical support to the Hydro LiDAR pilot project Project Status: On budget, on schedule
5 Cadastral Data Sharing LCOG, Deschutes Co., DOR Funded for $36,000 Work performed to date: License agreement developed by work group Agreement distributed to County Assessors DAS, DOR monitoring adoption Project Status: Making progress
6 Wetlands OWEB Funded for $48,000 Work performed to date: Scan and digitize 240 NWI quads Attribute resulting product Conduct QA Project Status: FIT funded portion complete
7 Geologic Data DOGAMI Funded for $150,000 Work performed to date: Scan and digitize W and NW project areas Attribute resulting product Project Status: Several tasks complete Delivery of completed project database and metadata by May, 2009 (ahead of contract target)
8 Road Centerline ODOT Funded for $75,000 Work performed to date: Received updated road centerline data from 32 of the 36 county road authorities Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) workbenches have been developed for all of the county road authorities QA/QC work to begin on the newly updated data soon and continue through June Project Status: Contract issues have delayed project
9 Soils OSU Funded for $75,000 Work performed to date: Significant progress on best-available data layer for soils Significant progress on consistent Statewide soils data layer Project Status: On budget, on schedule
10 Fish Habitat Distribution ODFW Funded for $17,000 Work performed to date: Migrate anadromous salmonid data to the 1:24k Framework hydro from previously existing 1:100k lines and 1:24k points Additional significant updates to several species and basins Project Status: Complete, Statewide data available
11 Funding Status $451,000Original amount $195,631Invoiced to date $255,369Remaining Final report prior to September Meeting
FGDC CAP Grants Report to OGIC 3/18/2009
14 FGDC CAP Grants Category 7: “Demonstration of Geospatial Data Partnerships across Local, State and Federal Government” Category 3: “Develop and implement statewide strategic and business plan”
15 Facilitated Meetings Discuss and collaborate on the navigatOR strategy Outline the navigatOR initiative Initiate dialogue as to how navigatOR can be improved or modified to better meet the needs of the participants
16 Meeting Locations
17 Meeting Follow-up Summary of meeting outcomes Identify common outcomes from multiple meetings Communicate summaries to all participants from every meeting
18 Meeting Follow-up It is expected that there will be some commonalities in the discussion at the various meetings and seeing those commonalities will begin to create a more cohesive sense of community and shared direction among the members of the GIS and government business communities
19 Tracking Mechanism Track accrual of navigatOR benefit Work with URISA and NSGIC Research and identify examples
20 Final Steps Compile Review Revise Produce Share