WH Face – Raised Eyebrows
IMPORTANT 0 Facial Expressions Influence meaning 0 Facial Expressions Influence the Sign 0 Facial Expressions Negate Signs 0 Facial Expressions ARE EVERYTHING!!!!!
Raised Eyebrows 0 Means YOU are asking a question 0 Do YOU understand? (English) 0 YOU understand (ASL) 0 Are YOU okay? (English) 0 YOU okay? (ASL)
The “WH” Face 0 Furrowed Eyebrows 0 Used when asking questions using the WH words 0 Who 0 What 0 Where 0 When 0 Why 0 Which 0 Why, because
WH Face for ME UNDERSTAND NOT 0 The Furrowed Eyebrows or the WH Face is also used to show that you don’t understand
No EYEBROW MOVEMENT 0 Means you’re just chilling with your friends 0 Chatting it up 0 Having a smooth free flowing conversation 0 You understand 0 You have no questions 0 ITS ALL GOOD!!!!!
Which face do you use??? 0 Store you want go? 0 Your name what? 0 Say again? 0 Shirt your I like 0 House your which? 0 Math how figure out?