Display System for 6400/6300 Protec Alarm Control Systems. Series of Graphic Screens shows all Addressable Devices and their status indication Complicated Areas can be split in to a series of Sub Screens or Zoom Levels. Device Location enhanced by Flashing Cross Sections indicating area containing device.
Hercules interfaces with control panels via RS232 Communications. The protocol is designed to pass data between panel and pc. Panel send Fault and Alarm information to Hercules and can respond to SILENCE/ EVACUATE and RESET commands. Drawings imported via Autocad Drawings Edited and Saved as BMP files. Uploaded to Hercules System 6300 Control Panel Hercules PC
In the event of a signal from the Control Panel the Hercules System indicates the conditions as follows :- FIRE CONDITION RED PRE ALARM MAGENTA ADDRESS FAULT YELLOW WE CAN INPUT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Location text. Instructions during alarm conditions. Hazard warnings. Key holder information. Contact telephone numbers. Service information.
Initial Signal shows the colour cross hatched for the area affected. Left Click on the mouse goes to a more detailed area. View Log also flashes to enable us to see the new data in the History Log
Second Zoom takes us to an Intermediate level showing the Building Floor.
The third level can show the zone in alarm
Level 4 can show the device in alarm. Click on the Zoom Out Button to return to the main screen.
If an alarm comes from another area the location will flash and link to the alarmed area.
The system also acts as an Event Logging System and the History Log can be saved and Printed
Hercules can be provided as PC or Touch Screen based. Maps can be printed showing Live alarm conditions. RS 232 Link protected Software Key protected