Using the Discussion Board January 23, 2013 Jule Zuke
Student Directions—Discussion Board Go to Click the Log In button near the top of the screen. The username is your lunch number. The password is your first name (only the first letter is capitalized) Click the Log In button beneath the password. Click on My Places. Click on the name of the course associated with your teacher. Click on Tools. Click on Discussion Board. Click on the forum (topic) with which you wish to participate. Click Create New Thread. Type a subject and your text in the appropriate spaces Click the submit button. Click on the forum (topic) again. Read and learn from what others have written in the discussion board. By clicking the Reply button, you can communicate with your classmates. Always remember to click the Log Out button at the top of the screen when you are done working.
You will probably have to scroll down the page to find this.
Creating a Forum (teachers) Go to Click the Log In button near the top of the screen. The username is your payroll number preceded by a lower case letter e. The password is the password for your city account. Click the Log In button beneath the password. Click on My Places. Click on the name of the course where you wish to create a discussion board. Make sure that the edit mode is ON.
Click as follows: Control Panel Course Tools Discussion Board
Click Any Link
Click “Create Forum.”
Fill in all information. Leave all settings in Step #3 as they are. Click the Submit button in step#4.