Curriculum Coaches: Developing peer learning leaders JULIE DUNFORD Head of Languages, The Hayesbrook School Tonbridge, Kent
The Hayesbrook School All boys secondary modern years 900 students Non-selective 35% AEN 1% EAL 77% A*-C (58% including English & Maths) House system (sport / team ethos) Outstanding Academy status since Dec 2010 Only secondary Teaching School in Kent
The Languages Department GCSE results: 35% A*-C Poor behaviour Demoralised staff Angry students, not understanding WHY they had to learn a language GCSE results: 80% A*-C Students understand why languages are relevant Staff are motivated to maintain high standards Department profile is high among staff, students and parents Over 50% of Year 9 choose to continue with their language learning at KS
Raising the profile of languages throughout the school Curriculum changes Enterprise Days – promoting languages as a life skill Week Languages whole-school Inter-team competitions Language Leader Award and Language Coaches European Day of Languages whole school celebration International links and trips with sport theme Staff language lessons Active language learning – bringing sport into classroom Introduction of more accessible courses – catering for lower ability at KS4
Students in Years 9-11 choose to take part in the award during enrichment time Learn to plan and deliver language activities to Year 5 Huge confidence boost for students Primary children love it and enjoy language learning Many leaders incorporate sport and healthy lifestyles into lessons Language Leaders Award
Year 11 group with 30 students ranging from A*-F in ability Top 4 students chosen to be Coaches and meet once a week to prepare resources and plan activities Discuss what students NEED Revise key grammar and vocabulary around topic area Discuss groupings and logistics of carousel Teach Year 11 class once a fortnight on a carousel basis (15 mins per activity) Feedback given after lesson (from teacher, coaches and students OBJECTIVE: to raise attainment among our C/D borderliners Language Coaches
Julie Dunford Head of Languages & Specialist Leader of Education