Monte-Carlo calculations in reactor design G.B. Bruna FRAMATOME-ANP
2 Monte-Carlo calculations in reactor design Samples : –HTR-10 Benchmark analysis, –Rhodium SPND detectors, –Mock-up experiments with void, –Others....
3 Benchmark problem definition Sensitivity studies Main Results HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
4 Benchmark problem definition 1) Cold (Temperature 300°K) 2) U235 enrichment 3.3% à to 9.9% 3) 31 or 33 element assemblies 4) Two types of B4C burnable poisons 5) 20 different mediums (colors) 6) He core-cooling channels 7) 150 fuel elements (30 columns, cylindrical core) 90 fuel elements (18 columns, annular core) 8) Four Benchmark configurations : - 18 columns - 19 columns - 24columns - 30 columns HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
5 Heterogeneity levels –Coated micro-balls (first level) Compact (second level) Fuel assembly : 31 or 33 element compacts (third level) Axial superposition of 5 elements (forth level) –Radial core loading (fifth level) HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
6 Compact/Element Burnable Poison 31-Element Assembly
7 HTR-10 Benchmark analysis Hexagonal Compact HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
8 Hexagonal Lattice HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
9 Cubic Lattice HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
10 Radial Heterogeneity inside the Hexagonal Compact HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
11 Unclustered 18-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
12 Unclustered 19-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
13 Unclustered 24-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
14 Unclustered 30-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
15 1/4 30-Column Unclustered Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
16 Clusters inside 30-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
17 Clustered 30-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
18 Adjusted Clustered 30-Column Core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
19 Sensitivity-studies (1 pcm = 1.E-5) Graphite impurities > 5000 pcm (total) Dummy assemblies ~3000 pcm Helium channels ~2000 pcm Bullets lattice arranged vs. random < 200 pcm Compact heterogeneity < 200 pcm First-level homogenization < 500 pcm Second-level homogenization pcm Data Libraries JEFF2 vs. ENDF-BVI ~500 pcm HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
20 ConfigurationExperiment Calculation 18 col. ann. coreSub-critical col. ann. coreOver-critical clustered 24 col. ann. core clustered 30 col. cylindrical core HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
21 Core Average 5 Labs Japan(2), Holland, Russia, USA (ORNL) 18 col. ann. core Keff clustered 24 col. critical rod ins. 82 cm ann. core clustered 30 col. cylindrical core critical rod ins. 123 cm HTR-10 Benchmark analysis
22 US-3D Device Physics of Rhodium SPN Detectors Monte-Carlo studies on : –heterogeneity –Rhodium burn-out Rhodium SPN Detectors
24 Detectors n Generic detector (i, j, k) Rhodium SPN Detectors
25 Real Geometry (Sec. R-R) Geometry Representation in APOLLO MCNP APOLLO Axial heterogeneity Radial heterogeneity Rhodium SPN Detectors
26 Self-shielding effect Rhodium SPN Detectors
ev0.625 ev4.129 ev 5000 b Gr. 6Gr. 5Gr. 4Gr Kev Gr.2 Gr Mev 10 Mev The Rh microscopic absorption cross-section Rhodium SPN Detectors
28 Rh reaction rates Rhodium SPN Detectors
29 Rhodium SPN Detectors Rh reaction rates
30 Rhodium SPN Detectors 50.4% 28.4% 21.3% RR per annular region Rh reaction rates
31 Rhodium SPN Detectors Rh reaction rates
32 Physical analysis of heterogeneous void Monte-Carlo calculations of mock-up experiments: –EPICURE –ERASME –Others Mock-up experiments with void
33 Homogeneous Void Infinite Medium Heterogeneous Void Cluster Void of mock-up experiments IAEA Benchmark Sample Geometry
34 Homogeneous Void Infinite Medium Heterogeneous Void Cluster Mock-up experiments with void
35 UO2 MOX Mock-up experiments with void
36 Cluster of 9 {10*10 pin} assemblies in Inf. Med. (pitch 1.26 cm), with a central MOX assembly with Pu enrichment: –HMOX14.40 –MMOX 9.70 –LMOX 5.40 –(UO2 3.35) Mock-up experiments with void
37 Mock-up experiments with void
38 In the wet MMOX cluster, typical values of Kinf* and Imp* are the following: ZoneImp*Kinf* UO MOX Whole Cluster –*Rouded off values Mock-up experiments with void
39 In the MMOX cluster with central void, typical values of Kinf*and Imp* are the following: ZoneImp* Kinf* UO MOX Whole Cluster –* Rounded off values Mock-up experiments with void
40 WetMOX XS Flux Dry Mock-up experiments with void
41 Dried zone 3.7% UOX UOX-UOX EPICURE Mock-up experiments with void
42 MOX 3.7% UOX Low and High Enrich. UOX-MOX EPICURE
43 (Low Enrich. UOX-UOX EPICURE) Mock-up experiments with void
44 (UOX-MOX EPICURE ) Mock-up experiments with void
45 (ERASME Series Experiments) Mock-up experiments with void
46 (Synopsis of All Experiments) Mock-up experiments with void
47 (Low Enrich. EPICURE with bubble) Mock-up experiments with void
48 (High Enrich. EPICURE with bubble) Mock-up experiments with void
49 Discrepancies on reactivity are lower than 100 pcm on the average of 35 experiments, without any significant trend; No biases have been observed between JEF-2.2 and ENDFB-VI libraries, except for very hard spectra where ENDFB-VI overestimates reactivity up to 1000 pcm. Mock-up experiments with void
50 Others... Other Monte-Carlo studies : –Criticality, –Sub-critical approach to divergence, –Fluence and vessel life-time.