Quality indicators impact on overall citizen satisfaction BEST Survey 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality indicators impact on overall citizen satisfaction BEST Survey 2014

Page 2 Impact on satisfaction - Stockholm

Page 3 Impact on satisfaction - Stockholm Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 2. I am satisfied with the number of departures 3. I normally get a seat when I travel with public transport 4. Transfers are easy 5. I feel secure on board busses and trains 6. The staff behaves nicely and correctly 7. It is easy to get the information needed when planning a trip

Page 4 Impact on satisfaction - Oslo

Page 5 Impact on satisfaction - Oslo Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 2. Transfers are easy 3. I am satisfied with the number of departures 4. I feel secure on board busses and trains 5. Nearest stop is close to where I live 6. I normally get a seat when I travel with public transport 7. Waiting time is short at transfers

Page 6 Impact on satisfaction - Helsinki

Page 7 Impact on satisfaction - Helsinki Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. I am satisfied with the number of departures 2. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 3. Transfers are easy 4. Waiting time is short at transfers 5. I am not afraid of traffic accidents when using public transport 6. It is easy to get the information needed when planning a trip 7. I feel secure on board busses and trains 8. The busses and trains are modern 9. Nearest stop is close to where I live

Page 8 Impact on satisfaction - Copenhagen

Page 9 Impact on satisfaction - Copenhagen Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 2. Transfers are easy 3. I am satisfied with the number of departures 4. Waiting time is short at transfers 5. The staff behaves nicely and correctly 6. I feel secure on board busses and trains

Page 10 Impact on satisfaction - Geneva

Page 11 Impact on satisfaction - Geneva Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. I am satisfied with the number of departures 2. Transfers are easy 3. The information is good when traffic problems occur 4. I feel secure on board busses and trains 5. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 6. The busses and trains are clean 7. The busses and trains are modern 8. I feel secure at stations and bus stops

Page 12 Impact on satisfaction - Bergen

Page 13 Impact on satisfaction - Bergen Indicators ranked by importance Performance Impact on satisfaction 1. I am satisfied with the number of departures 2. Transfers are easy 3. Public transport mostly runs on schedule 4. I normally get a seat when I travel with public transport 5. Waiting time is short at transfers 6. The busses and trains are modern 7. I feel secure on board busses and trains 8. The staff answers my questions correctly 9. Nearest stop is close to where I live