Need for speed undercover is a racing game were you have to race to get in a gang you’re an undercover cop and you can trust just your self. Since your a undercover cop you are chased by police when breaking the law. Your goal is to take down gangs one by one this game is a racing and first person game. TYPE OF GAME
You are the main character you don’t see your self but you see a video of the people and your in the movie seeing the actor. The person you trust is a cop that turns out not to be a good cop so you take here down to. GOAL
Click here to see my video The game is for ps3 Xbox 360 and computer VIDEO
Here are the charters Chase Linh Carmen Mendez Rose Largo Chau wu Zack mario Brad rogers Hector haio Jack M. Keller CHARTERS
The main charters is your self you could be black or Mexican girl or boy any thing because you cant see your self not even your hands in the car. You are very skilled driver in the game from cops chase to racing. minorities portrayed equal in the game so are the girls in it and men. Gays and special need people are not in the game. There are no positive messages the negative is racing,cop,chase,shooting and one dead guy. I started to play at 8 and I think it a not violent. I played this game about 48 to 50 hours and I play it because its not a lot violent and there is racing. Addiction is you need more and its is not something I need its fun but do not need. TITLE
The violent is mainly girls and cop chase racing and some shooting it is rated for teens. They use girls to sell more and make it look cool. VIOLENCE