GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced DNA Fragmentation in Arabidopsis plant No treated 44 C 2h 44 C 2h+22 C 24h No treated BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP 44 C 2h + 22 C 24h AB
GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced Cell Death in Arabidopsis Plant DAPI stained cell (%) BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP untreated treated
heat shock + heat shock Counts Heat Shock Induces ROS Accumulation in the Arabidopsis Plant Heat Shock Induces ROS Accumulation in the Arabidopsis Plant
GAPDHa Suppresses ROS Accumulation Induced by Heat Shock stress untreated treated BrightRh123 E
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) - a hexameric protein composed of 17kDa monomer - catalyze the reversible transfer of the 5’-terminal phosphates from triphosphate nucleosides (or their deoxy derivatives) to nucleoside diphosphates to generate NTPs or dNTPs - in animals, NDPKs have important role in control of cell proliferation, regulation of transcription, and protein phosphotransferase activity - in plants, it is associated with phytochrome B response, UV-B signaling, heat stress and hormone related responses - very little is known about the nature of regulation of NDPK gene in eukaryotes.
YNK is induced by oxidative stress
DCFH-DA DCFH DCF fluorescence Measurement of Redox-State in the Cell Using Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH-DA) Cell H2O2H2O2
% DCF stain F P L w.t ynk w.t. ynk YNK Regulates ROS Generation
FL1, Rhodamin123 ; FL2, Propidium iodide YNK Regulates ROS Generation w. t.Bax ynk1