Library of Congress Partnerships for Managing Geospatial Data North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council Raleigh, NC November 7, 2007 William G. LeFurgy,
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program established in 2000 Recognition that much valuable digital content is at risk Originally, $175 million available with matching Using the money to fund partnerships Report to Congress in 2009 Have 100+ partners Background
Geospatial Data a Key Focus Of the eight original NDIIPP partnerships, two focused on geospatial data: –National Geospatial Digital Archive Stanford University of California at Santa Barbara –North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project NC State University NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis NC OneMap
Major NDIIPP Goals Support the capture of and ongoing access to significant digital content Foster tools, services, and practices to improve life cycle management of digital information Build a national digital stewardship network based on a distributed model
A Network of Networks NDIIPP aims to form a national community of practice for digital stewardship Best approach: engage effective domain networks and leverage their success NC OneMap an ideal example: diverse partnership of local, state, and federal agencies, as well as others, with a deep appreciation of the value of data to society
NDIIPP States Initiative LC funding multi-state projects to develop best practices for managing government digital information with long-term value Four lead states, 16 others involved as partners; results to be broadly shared with all states Aim to facilitate collaboration between state librarians, archivists, geospatial officials, and other stakeholders
States Workshops LC Held 3 workshops in 2005 with representatives from 50 states, DC, and territories Workshops gathered feedback: –What information is at risk of loss? –What role can LC play in collaboration with states? –What kinds of projects could help the most? The first time state archivists, librarians, and IT staff had a chance to convene at a national meeting
State Digital Information to be Captured Web publications Legislative documents Policy execution and budget documents Executive leader records Geospatial records
In Conclusion… LC eager to extend our partnership with the NC geospatial community, as well as geospatial communities in other states We see great value in working with you and your network partners to serve the nation’s interest in keeping geospatial data accessible over the long term The work in this area will feature prominently in our 2009 report to Congress