CSEC RESULTS www.cxc.org
Presentation in collaboration May – June 2015 EXAMINATION RESULTS Presentation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Science, Technology and Innovation of Barbados 14 August 2015 www.cxc.org
CSEC® REGIONAL CANDIDATE ENTRIES 2015 TERRITORY No. MALES No. FEMALES TOTAL Antigua and Barbuda 746 1,150 1,896 Anguilla 146 281 427 Barbados 3,333 4,535 7,868 Belize 1,556 1,900 3,456 British Virgin Islands 136 185 321 Cayman Islands 495 592 1,087 Dominica 568 805 1,373 Grenada 1,085 1,625 2,710 Guyana 4,508 8,099 12,607 Jamaica 28,204 39,019 67,223 Montserrat 52 48 100 St Kitts and Nevis 556 897 1,453 St. Lucia 1,299 1,592 2,891 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1,089 1,923 3,012 Trinidad and Tobago 10,870 14,865 25,735 Turks and Caicos 274 459 Suriname 12 13 25 Saba 5 15 20 St. Maarten 78 83 161 54,923 77,901 132,824 www.cxc.org
How we assess CCSLC Results CAPE Results CPEA Results CSEC Results CVQ Results www.cxc.org
CXC System of Examinations CRITERION REFERENCED NORM REFERENCED VS Measured against the cohort We are criterion-referenced… Performance is measured against specific objectives, set criteria or standards www.cxc.org
GRADED EXAMINATIONS CAPE – Module grades in addition to overall grade CSEC – Profile grades in addition to overall grade CCSLC – Overall grade only CVQ* – Pass/fail CPEA – Overall grade only *CVQ® is the registered trademark of the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities (CANTA) www.cxc.org
CSEC Grading System Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Shows COMPREHENSIVE grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade I Shows good grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade II Shows fairly good grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade III Shows moderate grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade IV Shows limited grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade V Shows very limited grasp of concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies Grade VI
CSEC Comparison of Performance Barbados obtained 95% or more acceptable grades (Grades I-III) in Economics Physical Education and Sport Theatre Arts Barbados performed better than the Region in CSEC examinations 13 out of 34 subjects had better overall performance 69% attained acceptable grades Grade I-III compared to a Regional 68% www.cxc.org
CSEC Comparison of Performance: 13 Subjects Barbados performed better than the Region www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC ENGLISH A Stable and comparable performance: 59% in 2014 and 59% in 2015 in the Region Stable and comparable performance: 68% in 2014 and 71% in 2015 in Barbados www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC MATHEMATICS Improved performance: 48% in 2014 to 57% in 2015 for Region Improved performance: 63% in 2014 to 67% in 2015 for Barbados www.cxc.org
CSEC PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS There was an overall increase in acceptable Grades (I-III). Barbados had 73% in 2014 compared to 91% in 2015 The region had 76% in 2014 compared to 93% in 2015 www.cxc.org
CSEC OFFICE ADMINISTRATION CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC OFFICE ADMINISTRATION There was an overall increase in acceptable Grades (I-III). Barbados had 59% in 2014 compared to 78% in 2015 The region had 74% in 2014 compared to 87% in 2015 www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC CHEMISTRY Barbados’ performance was comparable to the Region 60% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 59% 9% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 10% www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC BIOLOGY Barbados’ performance was lower when compared with the Region 60% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 66% 5% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 9% www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC PHYSICS Barbados’ performance was slightly lower when compared with the Region 59% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 61% 14% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 14% www.cxc.org
CSEC ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION MANAGEMENT CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION MANAGEMENT Barbados’ performance was lower when compared with the Region 84% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 90% 9% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 17% www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC SOCIAL STUDIES Barbados’ performance was lower when compared with the Region 62% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 64% 1% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 3% www.cxc.org
CSEC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Barbados’ performance was lower when compared with the Region 80% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 88% 24% attained Grade I compared to a Regional 27% www.cxc.org
CSEC HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY There was an overall decline in acceptable Grades (I-III). Barbados had 59% in 2014 compared to 35% in 2015 The region had 63% in 2014 compared to 45% in 2015 www.cxc.org
CSEC PRINICPLES OF ACCOUNTS CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC PRINICPLES OF ACCOUNTS Stable and comparable performance Stable and comparable performance www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC SPANISH Stable and comparable performance Stable and comparable performance www.cxc.org
CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC GEOGRAPHY Stable and comparable performance Stable and comparable performance www.cxc.org
CSEC TECHNICAL DRAWING CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC TECHNICAL DRAWING There was an overall decline in acceptable Grades (I-III). Barbados had 78% in 2014 compared to 64% in 2015 Grade I declined from 16% to 7% The region had 78% in 2014 compared to 64% in 2015 Grade I declined from 16% to 8% www.cxc.org
CSEC BUILDING TECHNOLOGY - WOODS CSEC Trends and Highlights CSEC BUILDING TECHNOLOGY - WOODS There was an overall stable performance over the years Barbados’ performance was better when compared with the Region 85% attained acceptable grades (Grade I-III) compared to a Regional 80% www.cxc.org