Jeanette Andrade MS,RD,LDN,CDE Kaplan University NS430: Whole Foods Production
Unit 4: Fruits Fruit! Recommended for variety and nutrients Source of phytochemicals Carotenoids Flavonoids Phenols Ellagic acid Resveratrol Convenient snack
Unit 4: Fruits Fruit! Why is variety important?
Unit 4: Fruits Fruit Juice? Why should we limit the consumption of fruit juice compared to whole fruit?
Unit 4: Fruits Fruits Berries Apples “An apple a day” Antioxidant (polyphenols) content and activity can vary by cultivar Consume whole for fiber! Bananas Cherries Citrus Grapes Melons Pomegranates
Unit 4: Fruits Fruits Berries Seasonal, but available frozen year-round Excellent source of anthocyanins, antioxidants, and phenolic compounds Example: Cranberries Beneficial to the microbial ecology of the gut: inhibit Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes, while promoting probiotics or beneficial organisms Antitumor activity shown by constituents isolated from cranberry extract Promote urinary tract health and reduce urine odor Uses as a preservative to inhibit microbial growth
Unit 4: Fruits Fruit Preparation and Storage Recommendations for refrigeration and cleaning vary widely based on the type of fruit What are some of the recommended practices?