ATLE Workshop Tuesday October 28, 2014 Autar Kaw Mechanical Engineering
Student’s Prior Knowledge Ability of the Student Interest
A. the earth is farther from the sun in the winter than in the summer B. of the tilt of the earth about its’ axis C. the earth is not a perfect sphere
prior knowledge, conceptual understanding, new context, draw knowledge, and relate different representations.
1.Elaborative interrogation 2.Self-explanation 3.Summarization 4.Highlighting/underlining 5.Keyword mnemonic 6.Imagery for text 7.Rereading 8.Practice testing 9.Distributed practice 10.Interleaved practice Low
1.Elaborative interrogation 2.Self-explanation 3.Summarization 4.Highlighting/underlining 5.Keyword mnemonic 6.Imagery for text 7.Rereading 8.Practice testing 9.Distributed practice 10.Interleaved practice Moderate Low Moderate
1.Elaborative interrogation 2.Self-explanation 3.Summarization 4.Highlighting/underlining 5.Keyword mnemonic 6.Imagery for text 7.Rereading 8.Practice testing 9.Distributed practice 10.Interleaved practice Moderate Low High Moderate
17 Circuit 2: This one sets our mind to concentrate on something Circuit 1: This one is for reactive attention Source:
Time spent Mental fatigue Memory failure Higher order learning suffers Source: The New Marshmallow Test: Students Can’t Resist Multitasking, Annie Paul,;
Transmission in class and assimilation at home Transmission at home and assimilation in class Source: CTL, University of Washington
Before Class In Class After Class
Guided DiscoveryFully Guided Instruction
Guided DiscoveryFully Guided Instruction
Universal Design Learning (UDL)
Multiple means of representation Multiple means of action and expression Multiple means of engagement
Learning Strategies & Processes