NIGHT Monday, November 30, 2015 Students complete Anticipation Guide. Class discussion of Anticipation Guide. Students check out their copy of Night by Elie Weisel from Media Center. HOMEWORK – Read the “Preface” and complete Theme Review for next class.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Stamp homework (5 minutes) ( All Night handouts will be kept neatly in a Night Notebook that you will create to turn in at the end of the unit) Discuss “Preface” (5 minutes) Review Theme (5 minutes) Distribute Reading Guide Class reads Chapter 1 and answers Reading Guide questions HOMEWORK – Students complete quiz NIGHT
Friday, December 4, 2015 Review Chapter 1 Quiz Students read and take notes from Chapter 2 Quiz on Chapter 2 Jewish books and holidays HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 3 and take notes NIGHT
Chapter 2 What did Madame Schachter see in her vision? How do the other people in the train react to Madame Schachter? Where did the train stop? What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?
Chapter 2 -- QUIZ Draw a picture to illustrate an important scene from Chapter 2. Include specific details and facial expressions to help convey the tone and significance of the event.
NIGHT “Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details….” Common Core Reading Standards for Literature 2
NIGHT 1. Theme is A. The main idea of the story B. The falling action C. A contradiction or discrepancy D. The central idea or lesson the author wants to share
NIGHT 2. The topic of a piece of literature is A. Part of the tone B. Influenced by the alliteration C. A part of the theme, but theme is more specific D. The struggle between opposing forces
NIGHT 3. Universal theme is A. A lesson that can be learned by all people regardless of setting. B. A story that takes place in another galaxy. C. A way for people to learn what is important to the author. D. A discrepancy between the time and place.
NIGHT 4. All of these are possible themes EXCEPT: A. The course of true love never did run smooth. B. Determination and hard work can help overcome obstacles. C. Angry puppies D. Life is not easy for any of us.
NIGHT 5. The author uses which of the following to help establish a theme? A. The lesson the characters learn B. Dialogue between characters C. The conflicts the characters face D. All of the above
NIGHT Monday, December 7, 2015 Students create book cover to cover their copy of Night. Class writes sample TAGS Sentences for Night. Check for Hanukkah Extra Credit Canned food Extra Credit? HOMEWORK – Remember to read and take notes on Chapter 3 of Night for next class.
Students create book cover to cover their copy of Night. 1. How to fold the paper to cover the book neatly. 2. Create a respectful book cover. Include the star of David. Neatly write your name on the book cover. 3. Neatly write your name on the book cover.
NIGHT The Selection Process – Separating the Strong from the Weak Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Separate the class – Those who did the homework – Those who did not do the homework Stamp homework – Students who did not do the homework are sent away Students who did homework will select a partner to work with to answer questions. TICKET OUT THE DOOR – Write a paragraph explaining a lesson Elie learned during the events of this chapter. Include and explain specific evidence. HOMEWORK – Read and take notes on Chapter 4
NIGHT – Survival of the Fittest Friday, December 11, 2015 Separate the class – Those who did the homework – Those who did not do the homework Stamp homework – Study Guides to those who have notes. Those who do not, read silently and take notes Complete as much of the study guide as you can from your notes. Continue reading and taking notes. Homework: Finish Chapter 5 Study Guide Questions. Read Chapter 6 and take notes
NIGHT Monday, December 14, 2015 Check notes for Chapter 6 Students who have notes for Chapter 6 work as a class to complete Study Guide for Chapter 6. Class reads Chapter 7, 8, and 9 and completes Study Guide questions. HOMEWORK – Review handout out for THEME. Write one sentence explaining a significant theme from Night.
NIGHT Thursday, December 17, 2015 Theme Students write their Theme sentence for Night on yellow paper. Share out examples of Theme sentences. Tone Identify Tone in Night through specific examples. Your Notebook for Night : Your Project for Night : Fill out card for Hearing Test.
Night Notebook For an A on your Notebook do the following: All handouts and notes are included, All papers are smooth and look professional, All information is neatly filled in, Questions are answered in precise, intelligent, and grade appropriate manner demonstrating comprehension and critical thinking, and May include additional information that demonstrates original connections and thought.
NIGHT Summative Assessments for Night Students will complete the following: Night Notebook Night Project Night In Class Essay