Database, data quality and construction method Natalya Tourdyeva (CEFIR)
Overview Database for the SUST-RUS Database construction task Source data Important decisions: industries and the base year Estimation of the country-level base year input- output table with desired level of disaggregation Estimate regional IOs on the basis of the country-level IO table.
Database for the SUST-RUS A complete dataset for a CGE model consists of several parts: massive of statistical data, representing a snapshot of the economy for a base year, usually statistical data is organized in the form of a social accounting matrix Another part of the dataset consists of elasticities of substitution and transformation for CES and CET functions, as well as of other functional parameters, that cannot be calibrated form the benchmark year data.
Source data IO tables in our disposal: 1995 Russian symmetric input-output table (SIOT). System of Russian input-output tables for The make and the use table (in consumer prices) for year 2006 Russian interregional trade database. Russian regional good exports 1999 till 2006 a list of 245 commodity groups
Industrial classification Trade-off between details and data constraints. Availability of regional output data Aggregation of the latest ( ) Russian use and make matrices. Different statistical classifications ( ) vs ( )
Base year The choice of the base year is closely linked to the choice of the industrial structure. Tradeoff: availability of data vs. choice of the most recent year. The richest in terms of the available regional data is 2006
Estimation of the 2006 country IO Estimate Russian country symmetric input-output table (SIOT) for 2003 in NACE format. Estimate Russian SIOT for 2006 in disaggregated NACE classification.
Estimation of the Russian SIOT for 2003
Estimation of the Russian SIOT for 2006
Regional SIOT estimation Assumptions IO coefficients are the same as in the country SIOT Final consumption is structured as in the country IO and scaled to regional intermediate consumption Structure of regional imports from the ROW is the same as in the country SIOT
Regional SIOT estimation Result: Regional SIOT sum up to the country one. Thus there is balance on the country level BUT there should be product balances in each region: account for interregional trade. Contradiction in the data: There is a mismatch between regional production, IO coefficients and regional trade data.