ITU Strategic Planning ICE Proposal January, 2014
Goal 1: Growth Goal 2: Inclusiveness Goal 3: Sustainability Goal 4: Innovation Governance: PP, Council, World conferences and assemblies Objectives / Outcomes Foster global standards, interoperability and improved performance of equipment, networks, services and applications (ITU-T) / Provide for worldwide connectivity and interoperability, improved performance, quality and affordability of service and overall system economy in radiocommunications (ITU-R) Meet, in a rational, equitable, efficient and economical way, the ITU membership requirements for radio-frequency spectrum and satellite-orbit resources, while ensuring operations of radiocommunication systems free of harmful interference (ITU-R) / Ensure equitable, economic and efficient allocation of numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources (ITU-T) Create an enabling environment conducive to ICT development and to foster the deployment of telecommunication/ICT networks (ITU-D) Strengthen climate change adaptation and disaster management efforts through telecommunications / ICTs (ITU-D) Enable active participation of developing countries in the definition and adoption of ICT standards (ITU-T) Foster international cooperation on telecommunications/ICT development issues (ITU-D) Build human and institutional capacity, promote digital inclusion and provide concentrated assistance to countries in special need (ITU-D) Enhance the roll-out and the safe use of ICT applications and services (ITU-D) Attract and foster new ideas (inter-sectoral) Provide a platform for development of ideas and partnerships (inter-sectoral) Ensure emerging trends in ICT ecosystem are identified and analyzed (inter-sectoral) Developing responses to strengthen linkage between ICT development & global development goals (inter-sectoral) Foster an optimum ecosystem for cooperation and adequate development of policies and frameworks (inter-sectoral) Sector and Intersectoral Objectives/Outcomes
Goal 1: Growth Goal 2: Inclusivenes s Goal 3: Sustainability Goal 4: Innovation Enablers Ensure efficient and effective use of human, financial and capital resources; work-conducive, safe and secure working environment Ensure efficient and accessible conferences, meetings, documentation, publications and information infrastructures Ensure efficient membership related, protocol and communication services Ensure efficient planning, coordination & execution of the SP and OPs of the Union Ensure effective and efficient governance of the Organization (internal and external)
Objectives Description Indicator Foster global standards, interoperability and improved performance of equipment, networks, services and applications (ITU-T) / Provide for worldwide connectivity and interoperability, improved performance, quality and affordability of service and overall system economy in radiocommunications (ITU-R) Sponsor and establish at least two proposals regarding either performance or affordability improvement schema X 2 excellent Meet, in a rational, equitable, efficient and economical way, the ITU membership requirements for radio-frequency spectrum and satellite-orbit resources, while ensuring operations of radiocommunication systems free of harmful interference (ITU-R) / Ensure equitable, economic and efficient allocation of numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources (ITU-T) Foster an evaluation for spectrum and satellite- orbit resources optimization. % of progress in evaluation and optimization Create an enabling environment conducive to ICT development and to foster the deployment of telecommunication/ICT networks (ITU-D) Foster at least two implementation recommendations to boost the growth for telecommunications/ICT networks on developing countries. X 2 excellent
Objectives Explanation Indicator Strengthen climate change adaptation and disaster management efforts through telecommunications / ICTs (ITU-D) Foster at least two Congresses among member professionals related to climate change and disaster management on the different countries. Foster a knowledge base related to this important issue. X 2 excellent % of Knowledge base built Enable active participation of developing countries in the definition and adoption of ICT standards (ITU-T) Foster at least two developing countries per year to participate in the definition and adoption of ICT standards (ITU-T) X 2 excellent Foster international cooperation on telecommunications/ICT development issues (ITU-D) Enable at least 2 training courses per semester on telecommunications/ICT. X 2 excellent Build human and institutional capacity, promote digital inclusion and provide concentrated assistance to countries in special need (ITU-D) Ensure concentrated assistance to at least one country in special need per year. Establish and publish parameters for priority assignment. Establish follow up and / or mentoring operators. Follow up procedure defined X 1 excellent Priority parameters defined at 100% Follow up procedure defined
Objectives Explanation Indicator Enhance the roll-out and the safe use of ICT applications and services (ITU-D) Foster at least one application for mobile devices development for disabled people per semester X 1 excellent Attract and foster new ideas (inter-sectoral) Foster at least one “idea Competition” per sector every year X 1 excellent Provide a platform for development of ideas and partnerships (inter-sectoral) Foster at least 10 ideas with approved sponsorship per year and follow up the initiatives X 10 excellent Ensure emerging trends in ICT ecosystem are identified and analyzed (inter-sectoral) Identify at least two emerging trends and analyze per year X 2 excellent Developing responses to strengthen linkage between ICT development & global development goals (inter- sectoral) Establish a model and the correlation among ICT and global goals Model completed at 100% Foster an optimum ecosystem for cooperation and adequate development of policies and frameworks (inter-sectoral) Establish optimum ecosystem cooperation rules Rules defined at 100%