Leslie Turner Ashley Maxwell ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall nd Grade Letters to Authors & Illustrators
Leslie Turner ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall nd Grade Letters to Authors & Illustrators Prewriting
GPS: ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student b. Uses traditional organizational patterns for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, similarity and difference, answering questions).
PLO After reading an appropriate children’s book, the student will use ideas and details from the book to complete a graphic organizer.
Form of Writing Letters to Authors and Illustrators This form of writing allows students to share their feelings about books they have read. It provides students a way to share their likes and dislikes about authors’ and illustrators’ books. It’s a form of writing that will be useful to the students in the future.
Stage of Writing Prewriting This is the first step of the writing process. The students will think about ideas, details, and questions from the book to complete the graphic organizer. The students will use the information in their graphic organizer to complete the next step, drafting.
Citation Saecker, Tasha. (2005). Kids lit: katie dicamillo interview. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from lit/archives/ html
Model Dear Kate, I love your books. I’ve read every single book of yours, except The Tiger Rising. I’m currently waiting to get your newest book Great Joy. It sounds really great!!! Someday I wish to meet you. Your fan, Dariyan Stallings
Explanation The model can be used to show the students: *Ideas to use in own writing. *Correct form of a letter to an author or illustrator. *Example of proper language. *How to include likes and dislikes into the letter.
Practice Activity Introduce book to class (note the author and illustrator and picture walk). Read David Gets in Trouble to the class. Explain graphic organizer to the class.
Practice Activity Discuss the proper form for the organizer (phrases, details, personal experiences). Model by completing first section aloud to the class. Call on students with hands raised to share ideas for completing the rest of the graphic organizer.
Assessment Activity Introduce book to class (note the author and illustrator and picture walk). Read Skippyjon Jones to the class. Explain graphic organizer to the class.
Assessment Activity Discuss the proper form for the organizer (phrases, details, personal experiences). Give each student a graphic organizer to complete independently. Teacher will collect when finished and check for completion.
Ashley Maxwell ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall nd Grade Letters to Authors & Illustrators Drafting
GPS: ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student e. Begins to use appropriate formatting conventions for letter writing (e.g., date, salutation, body, closing).
PLO The students will use the information from the completed graphic organizer to create a draft of a letter to the author or illustrator.
Form of Writing The five parts of a letter to an author or illustrator: * Heading (address and/or date) *Salutation (Dear ______,) *Body (Information to author or illustrator) *Closing (Sincerely, Your Friend, ) *Signature (Sign your name)
Stage of Writing Drafting This is the second step of the writing process. The students will use prewriting graphic organizers to create a draft of a letter to an author or illustrator. The draft does not have to be perfect. Ideas on the organizers will become complete sentences. The draft will be used to create the final copy.
Citation Saecker, Tasha. (2005). Kids lit: katie dicamillo interview. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from lit/archives/ html
Model Dear Kate DiCamillo, I'm doing an author study book report in class and I was wondering if you could answer some of my questions. What are your favorite hobbies? What are you writing right now? I just love your books, especially The Tale of Despereaux! Hope you are able to respond. Your biggest fan, Abigail, GA, 10
Explanation This model arranges ideas listed on the graphic organizer into the form of a letter to an author. Students can use this model to help arrange their own ideas and opinions to create their own draft. This model includes a salutation, body, closing, and signature.
Practice Activity Using the draft letter organizer, explain the five parts of a letter to the class. Use organizer about David Gets in Trouble, completed during prewriting, to explain the content of the draft letter.
Practice Activity Model by completing the heading section of the draft letter organizer for the class. Call on students with raised hands to share ideas for completing the draft letter organizer about David Gets in Trouble.
Assessment Activity Instruct students to pull out their Skippyjon Jones graphic organizer completed during prewriting. Remind students of the five parts of a letter to an author or illustrator. Remind students to included information from organizer in letter.
Assessment Activity Give each student a draft letter organizer to complete independently. Collect the students’ completed draft letters when finished. Check for completion of all five parts of the draft letter.
Resources Turner, L. (2007). Prewriting graphic organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Maxwell, A. (2007). Draft letter organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Resources Saecker, Tasha. (2005). Kids lit: katie dicamillo interview. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from lit/archives/ html
Resources ( ). Writing friendly letters. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from Linfo.htm