The Ford and Carter Years Gerald R. Ford “WIN” Jimmy Carter Camp David Accords Iran Hostages Ronald Reagan
Gerald R. Ford Ford too office after Nixon resigned Only president never elected by a national audience Pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed while pres.
WIN For tried to tackle domestic issues “Whip Inflation Now” Encouraged people to cut back on oil and gas use to try to curb gas usage and lower prices No incentives to do so Fuel shortages
Jimmy Carter Election of 1976 Governor of Georgia America wanted a Washington outsider Upset with feds. Thought gov’t was corrupt Watergate signaled the beginning of America’s distrust of gov’t
Camp David Accords Israel and Egypt Jew vs. Muslim Israel-Menachem Begin Egypt-Anwar el-Sadat Carter was able to get both sides to talk about issues in the Middle East and work for peace
CD Accords cont. Israel agreed to withdraw form Sinai Peninsula Seized form Egypt during the 6 Day war in ‘67 Egypt agreed to recognize Israel Big step for Muslim country Major first step towards peace in the Middle East Sadat was assassinated in 1981
Iran 1979 Shah of Iran is overthrown by religious fundamentalists Carter supported the Shah Gave Shah asylum in the US New gov’t was angry and took 52 US hostages from the embassy in ‘79
Iran Hostages Carter was ordered by Iran to return the Shah for trial and punishment and the hostages would be freed Carter refused Rescue mission attempted but failed because of accident Carter was unwilling to go to war
Election of 1980 Ronald Reagan Government of California Former actor Former democrat during the 30s Carter lost Since the hostages were not free, carter lost the election
Iran Hostages cont. Jan. 20, 1981 Hostages freed minutes after Reagan too the oath of office Punishment for Carter by Iranians 444 days in captivity Many of the hostage takers are or were important members of the Iranian gov’t