Session 9 So, You Think You Know FAA Access? Ginger Klock Misty Parkinson
2 This session will focus on: Current functionality and specific features that you may not be aware of Enhancements for Open forum – what FAA Access tool(s) can’t you live without?
3 Let’s start at the beginning…
Student Inquiry
5 What is it? A tool that allows FAAs to view –a student’s SAR information, including the EFC (and intermediate values) –NSLDS information –SAR comments –FAA information
6 Yeah, but what else can I do with it? Enter a student’s DRN to view a transaction without your school code Print an individual SAR (in HTML or PDF) Determine if a transaction is in signature hold status Compare two transactions for the same student
11 PDF
12 Application Status This one tells you there are missing signatures
16 Sort by Differences Sort by field
17 Sorted by Differences
18 What’s New for ? Field labels modified SAR comments displayed Electronic Signature Process –Student Identifiers added –Signature Hold reduced from 14 to 7 days
Application Entry
22 What is it? A tool that allows FAAs to enter a student’s FAFSA, Renewal FAFSA, or Correction data and submit it to the CPS for processing.
23 Yeah, but what else can I do with it? General Entry: Save an application to submit later “Run Final Check” –view/print alternate EFCs and intermediate values –submit from that page or return to application
25 Yeah, but what else can I do with it? Correction Entry: Report FAA Adjustment View/print List of Changes Real-time corrections
28 Links to SAR
29 What’s New for 2006/2007? General Entry: Field labels modified “Please wait” message removed Enrollment question more prominent Run Final Check renamed Calculate EFC Change to the edit process
30 More prominent
32 What’s New for 2006/2007? Renewal Entry: Paper Renewal Applications discontinued FAAs can file Renewal FAFSAs for students from the Pacific Islands Certain values will no longer carry forward from the prior year
33 What’s New for 2006/2007? Correction Entry: Tax calculator enhanced Step Links added to top of screen Both Assumed and Submitted values display
Verification Tool
36 What is it? A tool that assists FAAs with verification of a student’s processed ISIR.
37 Yeah, but what else can I do with it? Message lets you know when a correction is required Difference column allows you to easily see differences Can link to submit corrections right away, or make corrections later Can print results or save to file
38 Enter values from tax returns and verification worksheet, then click on “Calculate”
39 This column appears and shows differences
41 Save to a file
42 What’s New for ? Dependency override considered No longer required to enter values in all fields Message text will be clearer that a correction is required Worksheet C added and labeled as “optional for verification”
ISIR Request
45 What is it? A tool that allows authorized users – to request specific ISIRs from the CPS Users can specify ISIRs –by specific SSNs –by using a variety of selection criteria alone or in combination with other criteria
46 Yeah, but what else can I do with it? Upload an SSN file to request ISIRs only for students that are enrolled at your school Multiple requests can be made each day Criteria used can be “described” in the request title –Title is returned in the first line of the resulting ISIR file
47 Enter identifying title
49 What’s New for 2006/2007? The DPA can assign ISIR Request rights to others
Other Features
51 Help Search Feature
52 EDExpress Interface
53 For more information -- visit the PC Lab
54 For more information -- attend Session 5 (Hands-on)
55 Open Forum What FAA Access functionality is most valuable to you? How does FAA Access make your life better? Do you have any ideas for future improvements? Do you have any questions?
56 URLs FAA Access to CPS Online site – Demonstration site – eddemo fafsatest
57 Contact Information We appreciate your feedback and comments. We can be reached at: Phone: Fax: