UNITARY All decisions are made by the central government The decisions are applied equally across the country. Local governing bodies simply serve as administrative arms of the central government. Great Britain is a familiar example of a unitary government; individual British counties have little of the power commonly exercised by American states.
CONFEDERAL Power lies in the local entities like states The central or national government can only do what the confederal association allows it to do. The basic idea is the government closest to the people is the best to understand their needs. Example – Articles of Confederation and Confederate States of America.
Federal Has a strong central government and strong local (state) governments. Has certain powers that belong to the central government, others to the local government, and some that are shared Usually has a written document (ex. Constitution) that sets out the rights of both as well as shared EX. U.S.A.
Democracy People rule Direct Democracy – people vote for everything: New Hampshire Representative Democracy – people elect representatives to rule for them. (U.S.A.)
OLIGARCHY Rule by elite group who rule in their own interests Only certain members of society have a valid voice in the government Example: China
DICTATORSHIP One person has seized power violently They will be the sole ruler until their death or if they’re overthrown Examples: Stalin’s Soviet Union, Idi Amin’s Uganda
MONARCHY Government headed by a king or queen Power is passed through the family CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY The country is ruled through elected Parliament members Usually has a constitution The Monarch is usually a figurehead Examples - England, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain
ARISTROCRACY A few people rule Rulers are usually the richest and higher class Rule passed through the family
TOTALITARIANISM Every part of an individuals’ life is controlled and watched by the government Belief that strict order is the key to a society without chaos Led by a leader or dictator Examples: Stalin, Hitler, or Sadaam Hussein
COMMUNISM Government owns and runs all the businesses – has complete control Karl Marx & Frederich Engels – The Communist Manifesto – urged the people to riot against the upper class Examples: U.S.S.R., China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos
ANARCHY Total lack of government Believe government is evil and limits individual freedoms Example: Somalia
PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENTS Also called a Congressional System Has an executive branch that exists separately from the legislative branch
Parliamentary Government The executive is voted on by the majority party in parliament – not the people He/she can be removed by that party
Constitutions Written: Document with laws written and outlined Example: United States, France Unwritten: No specific document – based on written laws and common law (usage) United Kingdom