Germany Report By Rowan and Jordan
Government Germany is a Federal, type of Government. The Federal Republic of Germany was proclaimed on May 23, 1949, with its capital at Bonn. In free elections, West German voters gave a majority in the constituent assembly to the Christian Democrats, with the Social Democrats largely making up the opposition.
Culture (Food) There is many different kinds of food German people love to eat. They eat onion pie, they eat meats, vegetables, and fish. They also like to eat sauerkraut with many meals.
Culture (Holidays) Germany celebrates Christmas or in German called (Weihnachten). Germans also have a Thanksgiving Day. German Thanksgiving started in the year 1621 C.E.
Religion Most people in Germany are Catholic. Roman Catholicism, is one of Germany's two principal religions, traces it's origins there to the eighth-century missionary work of saint Boniface. In the next centuries, Roman Catholicism made more converts and spread eastward.
Economy & Trade Germany is the third largest economy in the world. It also has the largest economy in Europe. German car-makers ship their Mercedes, BMW's, Audi's, and German Volkswagen cars around the world.
Landform and Climate Germany has an area of 356,959 square kilometers. Germany is roughly the size of Montana. Canada has just about the same longitude as Germany. Germany is the seventh-largest European country from north to south.
Thanks for watching our Germany Report!!!! By Rowan And Jordan