PRAGUE – JUNE 2 – « SAUVEUR » European Cultural Heritage Research Research for Historic Cities Jean-Louis Luxen President of CHEDI « Culture, Heritage & Development – International »
BACKGROUND Why and for whom to preserve historic areas : Quality of living environment Urban rehabilitation, a factor of social integration Historic area, an economic asset for community development Operational Priority : Development of a monitoring tool, as an exercise of applied research
INDICATORS OF THE STATE OF CONSERVATION A set of indicators to be identified. Purpose : benchmarking between similar cities evaluating change through periodic comparisons Development of an operational, economical, software to be managed by local authorities
TWO TYPES OF INDICATORS Two types of indicators : - quantitative : statistical on numeric measures (reference to the « Urban Audit » of the Eur. Commission) - qualitative : based on direct observations, surveys and analyses of sociological nature Approach of multi-criteria analysis for a collective synthesis and judgement
THREE CATEGORIES OF INDICATORS Three categories of indicators to be explored by a representative sample of European cities : -Cultural indicators : (townscape, construction forms, materials and traditional techniques, cultural and historic resources…) -Economic and Social factors : (Income, employment, education, social cohesion, security, housing conditions, mobility, economic activity, tourism…) -Management of the city : (legal and institutional framework, financial, human and natural resources…)