Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Czech experience - Use of BREFs and national BAT notes, role of IPPC Agency, Czech TWG Multi-Country Workshop June 8th, 2004, Prague Zdenek Suchánek
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) In 2002 adopted an environmental act on IPPC (No 76/2002 Coll.), in force from January 1st, 2003 In several implementation decrees, guidelines and other acts have been adopted Total number of IPPC installation is estimated (pre-registration) for 1348
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) By 4 st June, 2004 160 permits have been issued (125 with legal force of respective decision) other 122 are in permitting process total 288 applications have been submitted from 1 st January 2003, 9 of them have been returned or the permitting process has been ceased
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) Main features Permiting Authorities – 14 Regions and MoE Deadline for existing installations - October 30, 2007 Scope – identical list of installation categories as in IPPC Directive 96/61/EC Annex I Permit duration – not limited, control at least once in 8 year
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) The Czech IPPC legislation is based on direct use of BREFs, available in the Czech translation on public web site Government Order No. 63/2003 on the BAT Information exchange system (on the manner and the scope of information exchange on the best available techniques provision) Order came into force in January 2003
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) A set of technical working groups (TWGs) was established for each IPPC installation category or clusters of categories (branches). TWGs provide a preparation of background documentation for respective European TWG, monitor BAT development in respective field in the Czech republic or on the level of EC or international organizations,
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC background – legislation, scope, structure (cont.) prepare translations and professional proofing of translation of relevant BREF, ensure the authorization of BREF translation, prepare a proposal of its explanation, provide comments and information communication on the development of BAT.
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture TWGs TWGs - 27, 3 MoE, 3 MoA a 20 MoIT Relation to TWGs in Sevilla – 20 representatives TWG – regions and integrated prevention Participation in the Forum for Information Exchange
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Forum for Information Exchange Government Order No. 63/2003 Based on the monitoring of BAT development it elaborates recommendations for BAT implementation in integrated permitting proces Composition – 51 + „public“ State administration – 24 representatives Regional offices (13), Prague City Hall (1), MoIT (2), MoE(2), MoA (2), MoH (1), CEI (1), State Energetic Inspectorate (1) and Czech Environmental institute – AIP (1).
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Forum for Information Exchange (cont.) Each TWG – 1 representative – 27 in total Participation of civic associations (NGOs), enterpreneur`s associations or economic chambers – invited ad hoc 30 days before the meeting Discussion of methodological documents within the Forum or within the Information Exchange system
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Forum for Information Exchange (cont.) Sessions 1st Session - September 11, 2003 (Kick off) 2nd Session – February 12, 2004 rules for functioning call for utilizing consulations before applying for permit involvement of TWGs in BAT notes (guidances) preparation proposal of TWGs involvement in BAT notes (guidances) elaboration participation in commenting BAT notes (guidances)
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Forum for Information Exchange (cont.) Sessions (cont.) 3rd Session – April 23, 2004 Background document for IPPC Act amendment Work Plan
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture BREFs/BAT No national BREF or another official BAT documents are foreseen by valid legislation. MoE is responsible for the monitoring of trends in the best available techniques (BAT) contained in reference documents (BREF), for the publishing and providing information on trends of the BAT from the standpoint of their environmental impact as well as for areas that are not within the competence of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) or the Ministry of Health (MoH).
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture BREFs/BAT cont. Application of the translated (existing) BREFs “General Guidance on the Definition of BAT and Application of BREF or additional BAT-sources” (developed in 2000 Twinning project). Guidance how to determine BAT in cases of non-existing BREFs - the respective environmental compartments legislation and / or additional BAT- sources from the EU Member States are used for the determination of BAT.
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture BREFs/BAT cont. Access to BAT sources from the Twinning partners and permanent close co-operation between the Twinning partners, in particular concerning further development of guidelines on the use of BAT sources and the application of BREFs.
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture TWGs / BREFs
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture BAT National Notes - Guidances
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Agency for integrated permitting IPPC Act, § 5, 6 and 11 - an involvement of Authorized Person providing the expert opinion in the assessment of the application. Role of expert support for execution of the public administration in the area of integrated prevention a department of integrated prevention. Agency is working for Regions on cost-free base (40 another licensed AP („OZO“) are inactive – private legal persons – regions have no funds).
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture Sources of Information In the national level a specialized web site is operated by the MoIT. This web site is a part of the System for exchange of information on BAT. Manuals, guides and similar information is offered on Agency for the Integrated Prevention (part of the Czech Environmental institute - CEU). Statistics on IPPC are available on MoE website
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture MoIT -
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture MoE -
Consultant: CMDC Joint Venture IPPC Agency –