CHASS DEPARTMENT HEADS’ RETREAT AUGUST 14, 2013 Recruiting and Retaining Faculty of Color Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi Professor of English and Comparative Literature CHASS Director of Diversity Programs and Faculty/Staff Diversity
CHASS Recruitment and Retention Template—A Guideline Intentional plans for departments 1. Prepare departmental faculty to evaluate teaching and scholarship content related to diversity in their discipline, in emerging areas and in those areas unfamiliar to current faculty. 2. As a department, review tenure standards to examine if they are systematically marginalizing areas of research, service and teaching in which faculty of color are concentrated. 3. Develop a retention package as an element of the recruitment/hiring process, then review junior faculty annually in reference to that retention package to ensure consistency and identify unanticipated obstacles to success.
CHASS Recruitment and Retention Template, Cont’d Intentional plans for departments and the college 4. Recognize and evaluate service as "engagement" with the general missions of university, college and departments, including (but not limited to) committee work, student mentoring, alumni relations, and other components of the ongoing obligations of the university community. 5. Cultivate and provide opportunities for faculty of color to develop leadership ambitions, expertise, and experience. 6. Develop a "Dean's Ambassador Program," appointing senior faculty of color across the college, to provide informal and formal mentoring and support for new faculty of color in order to build community and enhance professional networks and opportunities. This may be synergistic with several emerging university initiatives.
Creating Your Department Template Department templates must have 3 intentional recruitment ideas and 3 intentional retention ideas Departments will hold themselves accountable to said plans Departments should bear in mind the following while developing a template: a) This is where we are; b) This is where we want to be; c) This is what we are committing ourselves to.