ECE 353 Introduction to Microprocessor Systems Michael J. Schulte Week 9
Topics I/O port basics I/O ports with MSI devices P compatible devices Address decoding for isolated and memory-mapped I/O Conditional I/O 80C188EB integrated I/O unit 82C55A PPI
I/O Port Basics I/O subsystems allow CPU to interact with the outside world Input, output, and combined I/O blocks Input ports Byte Word Output ports Byte Word Unconditional I/O
MSI I/O Ports Medium Scale Integration (MSI) circuits are available to construct ports Simple byte input ports can be constructed from… Octal buffers Octal registers Simple byte output ports can be constructed from octal latches
P Compatible I/O Devices Complex I/O devices typically require complex interface and control logic P compatible I/O devices have the necessary logic built in to the device itself Interface designed to be reasonably compatible with many microprocessor buses Need to add decoding/selection logic Examples Device controllers Used to control complex I/O devices (LCD, disk drives, etc.) Generic model
I/O Address Decoding I/O address decoding determines the logical location of the I/O device Isolated I/O Memory-mapped I/O Input vs. output ports Same address does not guarantee same function! Device select pulses Wait states Using the CSU with I/O devices
I/O Address Decoding (cont.) PAL/PLA Decoders Nonspecific I/O strobes /IOW /IOR Linear selection Conventional decoders Device select strobes Cascading
Conditional I/O Conditional vs. unconditional transfers Hardware example Polling Overhead Flags / semaphores Wait loops Timeouts Software exercise Possible race condition
80C188EB Integrated I/O Unit Port 1 Functions Port 2 Functions Bidirectional pin structure Synchronizer Programming Port Control Register Port Direction Register Port Data Latch Register Port Pin State Register
82C55A Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) LSI device providing 24 bits of I/O Logical organization Block diagram Software configurable ports Three modes of operationmodes Mode 0 Basic Input/Output ports Mode 1 Strobed Input/OutputInputOutput Mode 2 Bidirectional data bus Bit set/reset capability
Real-World Example Interface the MAX154 8-bit, 4-channel ADC to the 80C188EB Hardware interface Use /GCS0 at I/O address 1000h (CSU)CSU Poll conversion status using Port 2.Port 2 P2CON / P2DIR / P2LTCH / P2PIN P2CONP2DIRP2LTCHP2PIN Software interfacing Write a procedure that does an ADC conversion and then reads the ADC value using mode 1 Input: AL = ADC input channel to use (0-3) Output: ADC value returned in AL What about mode 0? Timing?
Byte Input Port Example
Byte Output Port Example
Generic Device Controller (Fig )
Hitachi HD44780U LCD Controller
Port 1 Functions
Port 2 Functions
Bidirectional Port Pin
Port Control Register
Port Direction Register
Port Data Latch Register
Port Pin State Register
Conditional I/O Exercise Write a procedure to read data from an input device like the hardware example. Assume that the flag is a READY signal (active high). If the device does not become ready after 1 million polling attempts, return with the carry flag set, otherwise, return with the data in AL and the carry flag cleared.
82C55A Block Diagram
82C55A Modes of Operation
82C55A Mode 1 Input
82C55A Mode 1 Output
Chip- Select Start Reg
Chip- Select Stop Register - Part 1
Chip- Select Stop Register - Part 2
Conditional I/O Example