Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.1. Single-bus organization of the datapath inside a processor.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.2. Input and output gating for the registers in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.3. Input and output gating for one register bit.
Figure 7.4. Connection and control signals for register MDR.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.5. Timing of a memory READ operation.
StepAction 1PC out,MAR in,Read,Select4,Add,Z in 2Z out,PC in,Y,WMFC 3MDR out,IR in 4Offset-field-of-IR out,Add,Z in 5Z out,PC in,End Figure 7.7. Control sequence for an unconditional branch instruction.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.8. Three-bus organization of the datapath.
StepAction 1PC out,R=B,MAR in,Read,IncPC 2WMFC 3MDR outB,R=B,IR in 4R4 outA,R5 outB,SelectA,Add,R6 in,End Figure 7.9.Control sequence for the instruction. Add R4,R5,R6, for the three-bus organization in Figure 7.8.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Control unit organization.
Figure Generation of the Z i n control signal for the processor in Figure 7.1. T 1 Add Branch T 4 T 6
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Block diagram of a complete processor.
AddressMicroinstruction 0PC out,MAR in,Read,Select4,Add,Z in 1Z out,PC in,Y,WMFC 2MDR out,IR in 3Branchtostartingaddressofappropriatemicroroutine IfN=0,thenbranchtomicroinstruction0 26Offset-field-of-IR out,SelectY,Add,Z in 27Z out,PC in,End Figure Microroutine for the instruction Branch<0.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.18.Organization of the control unit to allow conditional branching in the microprogram.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure An example of a partial format for field-encoded microinstructions.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Flowchart of a microprogrm for the Add src,Rdst instruction.
OP code010RsrcRdst Mode Contents of IR Figure 7.21.Microinstruction for Add (Rsrc)+,Rdst. Note: Microinstruction at location 170 is not executed for this addressing mode. AddressMicroinstruction (octal) 000PC out, MAR in, Read, Select 4, Add, Z in 001Z out, PC in, Y in, WMFC 002MDR out, IR in 003 Branch { PC 101 (from Instruction decoder); PC 5,4 [IR 10,9 ]; PC 3 121Rsrc out, MAR in, Read, Select4, Add, Z in 122Z out, Rsrc in MDR out, MAR in, Read, WMFC 171MDR out, Y in 172Rdst out, SelectY, Add, Z in 173Z out, Rdst in, End [IR 10 ] [IR 9 ] 8 ]} Branch { PC 170; PC 0 [IR 8 ]}, WMFC
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Microinstruction-sequencing organization.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Format for microinstructions in the example of Section
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure Some details of the control-signal-generating circuitry.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure 7.26.Control circuitry for the bit-ORing. (Part of the decoding circuit in Figure 7.25.)
Figure P7.1. Organization of shift-register control for Problem 7.22.
Clock A B X Y Z Figure P7.2. Digital controller in Problem 7.23.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 7 Figure P7.3. A microinstruction-sequence pattern used in Problem 7.30.