Welcome to China!
How long does it take to get to China?
It takes about 19 hours to get to China from Chicago!
What is this red line showing?
Great Wall of China Built over 2000 years ago It is 25 ft. tall and 3,500 miles long! Built during the Ming Dynasty over a 200 year period Called “Wan Li Chang Cheng” means “ten thousand li Great Wall”
Can you see the Great Wall from space? Yes!
Terra Cotta Warriors Discovered 20 miles from Xi’an, China Only about 1,000 have been discovered Hollow insides Built to protect First Emperor Weigh about 490 lbs. each Each one is different, very detailed
Happy New Year!
Giant Pandas Only about 1,000 left Eat mainly bamboo leaves and shoots for 12 hours a day! Live to be up to 30 years old They weigh between 165 and 300 lbs.
Let’s Speak Chinese! Have about 80,000 characters, but only use about 3,500! http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/teachers/aw/wr/article/0,28138,536989,00.html