U.S. Army RDE Command - Supporting the Objective Force - RDE CMD 23 September 2003 by BG Charles Cartwright Deputy Commanding General for Systems of Systems Integration (SOSI)
What Does the RDE Command Give Us? Integrated with TRADOC Future Center Linkage to Combatant Commands (FAST) Linkage to International Markets Collaborative Environment Modeling & Simulation/Collaborative Environment Capability Management Technology Integration Across Domains Technology Out of the Laboratories and into the Hands of Soldiers in the Shortest Time Direct Support of the Tech Base to FCS, Current and Future Manage Speed and Complexity of Technological Change to Operational Needs Single Voice for Sustainment Engineering
TRADOC FOCs FM TRADOC FOCs FM TheEnvironmentTheEnvironment Battle Command Construct Strategic Responsiveness & Deployability Maneuver Sustainment Sensor Fusion Human Engineering NLOS Lethality Training & Leader Development Maneuver Support Air/Ground Operations LOS/BLOS Lethality Mount/Dismount Mounted/Dismounted Maneuver Survivability Capability Manager ATD STO OGA Hole STO OGA STO Wkp ATD Ind STO OGA Capability Team Capability Manager ATD STO OGA Hole STO OGA STO Wkp ATD Ind STO OGA Capability IPT Modeling & Simulation Collaborative Environment National Labs Survivability Power and Energy CERDEC Centers, Activities, Labs Capabilities and Technologies Robotics Lethality Supportability AMRDECARDEC AMSAAARL TARDEC Service Labs ECBC NSC
Research, Development and Engineering Command (Provisional) ARLAMSAA DCG for SOSI Transition Director AMRDEC TARDECARDEC CERDEC NSC ECBC Agile Development Center M&S International Programs FAST Board of Directors ATECTRADOC Branches Divisions “G” Staff Nation al Labs Service Labs (AFRL,NR L) SMDC MRM C COE ARO
Linkage to Combatant Commands (FAST) CENTCOM MacDILL AFB, FL
How We Are Supporting Current Operations Science & Technology Advisory Teams LSE Support TeamsRDECOM Individual Replacements to LSE Assigned FAST Teams to Combatant Commanders Coordinated Efforts Through ARL & RDEC Tech Support Teams FAST
Disengagement Linking Facilitating Expediting Agile Development Center International Markets REF Battle Labs Industry Academia FAST Rapid Sustainment (Teaming) Rapid Equipping (Teaming) Rapid Development Seeking “Good Ideas” that make a difference Fighting Warriors
USAITC-Western Europe (Germany) (1/3/0) USAITC-South East Asia (Singapore) (1/1/1) USAITC- Southern Hemishpere (Australia) (2/0/0) USAITC-North America (Canada) (1/0/1) USAITC-Eastern Europe (Hungary) (1/1/0) USAITC-South America (Argentina) (0/1/1) USAITC-AMERICAS Regional Center (Chile) (1/0/1) USAITC-ATLANTIC Regional Center (UK) (1/4/5) ERO (0/9/0) USAITC-PACIFIC Regional Center (Japan) (1/5/2) FERO (0/8/0) Linkage to International Markets Key: (Military/US Civilian/Foreign National); 1 CIV TDA slot (LNO) at BWB and 1 CIV in France assigned to SAITC-ATL
Battery Charging Fuel Cell with Methanol Steam Reforming Unit Blue Force Tracking Collaborative Networked Situational Understanding Strike (Exploit FCS Netted Fires) Protect (Integrated Suit & Helmet) Systems Engineering, Analysis & Assessment Sensory Enhancement Robotics Interface Human Performance & Embedded Training LAM-PAM Net Fires Robotics Technology for the Warfighter “Our Most Precise Weapons System” JLIST - Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
Bottom Line = The Soldier! Quick! Valued! Timely! Agile! Responsive!