英語勉強会 名手⇒詫間 2015/10/22
原文 This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it. The future task is supporting for a coach to create more effective advices. We have to search effective advice’s order and meaning. In addition, we must study skeleton tracking in Kinect in order to develop this study.
全訳 この研究は,身体スキル獲得支援システムです.コーチが学習者にアド バイスするような身体スキルをどのように獲得するかを説明する.身体 スキルは暗黙知であるので,それを言葉で伝達するのは難しい.我々は, その問題を解決するためにこのシステムを開発した.このシステムは, キネクトから獲得したスケルトンフレームを適用している.それは自由 にスケルトンフレームで関節部を変えることによってフォームを作るこ とができる.それゆえに,コーチはそれを使うことによってアドバイス を可視化することができる. 今後の課題は,より効果的なアドバイスを作るためにコーチのための支 援をすることだ.我々は,効果的なアドバイスの順番と meaning を探す必 要がある.加えて,我々は,この研究を発展させるためにキネクトのス ケルトントラッキングを研究しなければならない.
修正 1-1 This study が say とは … ? Study ≠ System call for ( 呼ばれている ) There is って言われても ちょっと意味が分からない 身体スキルは誰が獲得するのか Verbally の位置 to deliver the skills verbally developed this system developed ⇒ developing this system って何でしょう This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it.
修正 1-1 This study が say とは … ? Study ≠ System call for ( 呼ばれている ) There is って言われても ちょっと意味が分からない 身体スキルは誰が獲得するのか Verbally の位置 to deliver the skills verbally developed this system developed ⇒ developing this system って何でしょう This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it. Motor skill is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver this skill verbally. The viewpoint of our study is to solve this problem. For the smoothly advice when coach teaches his/her learner, teaching through only words is not sufficiently. Thus, our approach is to use the visual advice with verbal advice. The visual advice is the figure of leaner’s movement changed by coach. To change the movement in the visual figure improves to understand how to teach motor skill. Therefore, we introduce the learning environment that coach can teach learner using the verbal advice and visual advice.. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it.
修正 1-2 which we acquired… 我々が Kinect から獲得した … ? 獲得するのはシステムでは It can create… It が何を指すのか分からない Coach is able to visualize advice… アドバイスを可視化するんだっ け This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it.
修正 1-2 which we acquired… 我々が Kinect から獲得した … ? 獲得するのはシステムでは It can create… It が何を指すのか分からない Coach is able to visualize advice… アドバイスを可視化するんだっ け This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it. Motor skill is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver this skill verbally. The viewpoint of our study is to solve this problem. For the smoothly advice when coach teaches his/her learner, teaching through only words is not sufficiently. Thus, our approach is to use the visual advice with verbal advice. The visual advice is the figure of leaner’s movement changed by coach. To change the movement in the visual figure improves to understand how to teach motor skill. Therefore, we introduce the learning environment that coach can teach learner using the verbal advice and visual advice. In this study, we use skeleton frame from Kinect as the figure of learner’s movement. Visual advice is created by changing joint points in skeleton frame.
修正 2 advice’s order and meaning 意味がちょっと分かんないです develop this study システムの発展では そもそも我々は勉強しなければ ならないとか,研究しなければ ならないという言い方はちょっ と … The future task is supporting for a coach to create more effective advices. We have to search effective advice’s order and meaning. In addition, we must study skeleton tracking in Kinect in order to develop this study.
修正 2 advice’s order and meaning 意味がちょっと分かんないです develop this study システムの発展では そもそも我々は勉強しなければ ならないとか,研究しなければ ならないという言い方はちょっ と … The future task is supporting for a coach to create more effective advices. We have to search effective advice’s order and meaning. In addition, we must study skeleton tracking in Kinect in order to develop this study. The future task is searching effective advice’s order and content for creating more effective advice. In addition, we must develop our system by more precise(detailed) skeleton tracking in Kinect.
Motor skill is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver this skill verbally. The viewpoint of our study is to solve this problem. For the smoothly advice when coach teaches his/her learner, teaching through only words is not sufficiently. Thus, our approach is to use the visual advice with verbal advice. The visual advice is the figure of leaner’s movement changed by coach. To change the movement in the visual figure improves to understand how to teach motor skill. Therefore, we introduce the learning environment that coach can teach learner using the verbal advice and visual advice. In this study, we use skeleton frame from Kinect as the figure of learner’s movement. Visual advice is created by changing joint points in skeleton frame. The future task is searching effective advice’s order and content for creating more effective advice. In addition, we must develop our system by more precise(detailed) skeleton tracking in Kinect. This study says acquiring motor skills support system. There is how to acquire moor skills that coach advises learner. Motor skills is tacit knowledge, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. We developed this system to solve the problems. This system applies skeleton frame which we acquired from Kinect. It can create form by changing joint points in skeleton frame freely. Therefore, coach is able to visualize advice using it. 原文 (108 語 ) 添削文 (154 語 )
One Point 1 代名詞 It, this, that,….. 論文では,代名詞の使用に注意 代名詞が何を指しているのかが明確に分からなければならない! This system… ⇒ our system… 構文だったら大丈夫 (It is … that など ) 著者自身を指すときは ”I” ではなく ”We”
One Point 2 副詞の位置 比較的自由に配置して OK どこに置いても同じ意味を表す場合が多い 1 文に複数の副詞を配置可能 基本的な位置 ① 動詞の前 ( ただし動詞と目的語の間には普通は置かない ) He kindly waited for me. She behaved foolishly. ② 助動詞がある場合は助動詞の後 She can fluently speak English. ③ Be 動詞がある場合は be 動詞の後 This door is always open. …, so it is difficult to deliver verbally it. Attention! to 不定詞の場合は位置によって意味が変わる I secretly decided to leave the party. I decided to leave the party secretly.
オレンジ 黄色 青 1 . study が say? しかも say するのが "acquiring... system"? 2. There is の使い方がおかしい. 3 . verbally の位置はそこでいいのかな? 4 . we developed this system だと完成したみたい.そもそも, this って? 5. It can create... の It って何? 6. meaning の意味がよこうわからない. 7 .最後, develop this study?