HDice Michael Lowry December 1, 2010 Remote Access Review
HDice Identify Lab systems in your area that are remotely accessed or will be in the near future –HDiceDF – a Windows pc monitoring and controlling an Oxford Instruments dilution refrigerator that polarizes (at 12 mK and 15T) and then ages (for 3 months) our HD targets. –HDiceSD – a Windows pc monitoring and controlling a Janus dewar that stores previously polarized and aged targets. –HDiceIBC – a Windows pc monitoring and controlling a cryostat, currently under construction, that will hold an HD target in the photon or electron beam inside CLAS and will undergo testing in the HDice area in the TestLab Annex.
HDice Explain how your systems are remotely accessed –All the pc’s use LabView program modules, called Virtual Instruments (VI’s), for monitoring and control. LabView provides a limited, specialized, web server that can generate a web page displaying a snapshot of the current front panel of a requested VI, viewable in any web browser. on-site (e.g. office) One would use a browser to pop up the index page of one of the machines directly and follow the links on that page to view a selected VI front panel. off-site (e.g. home) One would apparently do the same but now one is actually contacting a CC firewall computer maintaining three HTTP (port 80) tunnels to and from the three pc’s.
HDice Engineered solutions, policies, procedures, operations and QA/performance measures –The pc’s would operate and be maintained as ordinary behind- the-firewall machines except No automatic updates. The forced re-boot kills LabView and thus leaves the cryostats un-controlled and without monitoring. It is the responsibility of the HDice group to implement the updates in a timely manner, when it is safe to do so. No power saving or screen locking. Network scans exemption. Our experience at BNL was that the internal network scans would cause LabView to hang. –The CC firewall-tunnel machine would remain their responsibility.
HDice Describe future plans or needs for enhancing/upgrading remote access, e.g. changed systems, different controls, access for PDAs, etc. –No changes or enhancements are planned or anticipated. –Note that the third machine is not yet implemented but is expected within the next couple months.
HDice Comments –Thank you for your attention and your help.