ä Online permit applications in Michigan are taking a major step toward an integrated one-stop process.
Where We’ve Been
ä “Michigan’s website... is a maze of permitting information without clear explanation of the expected time necessary to complete each phase – suggesting a complex, uncertain process.” -- Center for Automotive Research, Sept ä Executive Directive – Dec. 8, 2003
ä Cross-agency participation is critical to the success of the project.
ä Weekly team meetings began November 20 th. ä Project headed by Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG).
What We’ll Do
ä Create a single point of entry (one-stop) for businesses seeking related licenses or permits from the state of Michigan.
ä Significantly reduce complexity of the permitting and licensing process.
ä Shorten the processing time to obtain permits/licenses. ä Eliminate unnecessary forms and cumbersome, duplicative processes.
ä Provide links to local communities’ permitting and licensing information. ä Provide the ability to apply and pay online.
–Provide a “shopping cart” for collecting permits needed for a project from any state department. ä Provide web-based user tools designed to: –Determine permits needed based on project type. - Manage master permit/license application packages for complex business projects involving multiple state agencies.
ä Develop comprehensive online database of state permits and licenses. –Enable applicants to access permit and licensing information by name, business type or department, and –Monitor status of permit/license applications.
What We’ve Done
ä Used “Brown Paper” process to determine current flow and timing of permits/licenses for a manufacturing facility. ä Using the same process, able to reduce the current processing time for permits associated with a manufacturing facility from...
465 days to 183 days!!
Work Completed So Far
How We’ll Get There
ä Phase 1 – Summer Single launching pad -Decision tree -Shopping cart -Information and help -Connectivity to legacy systems -Process payments on line
ä Future Phases -Continue population of MiTAPS system and web portal.
ä Utilize MiTAPS team, which includes members from departments and agencies across Michigan.
Q & A ä Will post questions and answers on