System Design Engineering of Technical Products KKS/ZKMA b_ZKMA/… Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2014 Department of Machine Design 1 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Hosnedl Sylabuses to Lectures – Part A3
A3 TS Life Cycle (LC) A3 TS Life Cycle (LC) - TS object/topological aspects - TS object/topological aspects SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS INFORMATIVE NEEDED IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL 2
TS Life Cycle stages as a series of transformations ? TS Life Cycle stages as a series of TrfP/TrfS? Integration of TS Life Cycles? TS(s) LIFE CYCLE STAGES FOCUSED ON THE RESPECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONSTS LIFE CYCLE MODELS AND THEIR INTEGRATION 3 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic A3 TS Life Cycle (LC) - TS object/topological aspects - TS object/topological aspects
Planning Designing Technolog.preparation for manufacturing Organiz.preparation for manufacturing Manufacturing of Details&Components Assembly Adjusting, Testing Packing Storing Loading, Transporting Vybalení, postavení Assembly, Adjusting, Testing Takeover Crew training Servicing, Cleaning Údržba Renovace Deinstalation, Disassembly SeparationRecycling, Deponie Operation Management: Product Designing and Preparation for Manufacturing: Logistic: Instalation and Operation: Likvidation: Workshop: Obr. : Traditional scheme of TS Life Cycle focused on usual organization and localization of its stages and phases, which is however not sufficient to depict common features of the relevant processes and their relationships to TS Designing TS Life Cycle TS(s) LIFE CYCLE STAGES ACCORDING TO THEIR ORGANIZATION and LOCALIZATION
TS Life Cycle 5 Requirement on TS LC Report about Market Technical & Economical Feasibility Study Ideas Needs Source TS description Problem state Description of TS LC Constructional Structure for Manufacturing Decsription of Technolog.&Org. preparation for Manufacturing and other TS LC LC stages Semiproducts Components, Parts TS LC realized TS LC installed and prepared for Operation Transformed Operational Operand in output state 2 GOAL ! Transformed Operational Operand in intput state 1 Additional Materials Used TS LC Material TS LC Planning TS LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manufact. and other TS LC LC stages TS LC Manufacturing incl. assembly, testing, prod.qual.control etc. TS LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc. TS LC Operating incl. maintaining, repairing, etc. TS LC Liquidating incl. disassembling, separ., recycl., etc. Available Org. inform. Available Tg inform. TS LC LIFE CYCLE STAGES FOCUSED ON THE RESPECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Fig. : Model of TS LC Life Cycle (LC) as a series of stages with key transformations ( Marking „TS LC “ differentiates the considered (subjected) TS from other Technical Systémů in its Life Cycle )
Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS A.&R.Env. AR Env Inf.Syst. IS Manag.Syst. MgS TS LC Planning TS LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manufact. and other TS LC LC stages TS LC Manufacturing incl.assembly, testing, prod.qual.contr.etc. TS LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc. TS LC Operating incl. maintaining, repairing, etc. TS LC Liquidating incl. disassembling, separ., recycl., etc. TS≥TS LC Fig. : TS LC Life Cycle as a series of Transformation Processes (TrfP) and respective Transformation Systems (TrfS) 6 TS Life Cycle TS LIFE CYCLE AS A SERIES OF TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES/SYSTEMS (TrfP/TrfS)
AEnv ACTIVE & REACTIVE ENVIRONMENT OPERAND Od 2 In state 2 TRANSFORMATION PROCESS (TrfP) (TRANSFORMATION) WITH TECHNOLOGY (Tg) TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM (TrfS) Fb Feedbacks TrfS Boundary Executive system Operators: Operators´ Effects: OPERAND Od 1 in state 1 Asissting Inputs Secondary Outputs Secondary Inputs MgS MANAGEM. SYSTEM IS INFORM. SYSTEM TS TECHNICAL SYSTEM HuS HUMAN &o.liv.beeings TS Life Cycle 7 TS LIFE CYCLE AS A SERIES OF TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES/SYSTEMS (TrfP/TrfS) Requirement on TS LC Report about market Technical & Economical Feasibility Study Ideas Needs Source TS description Problem statement Description of TS LC Constructional Structure for Manufacturing Decsription of Technolog.&Org. prepar. for Manufacturing and other TS LC LC stages Semiproducts Components, Parts TS LC realised TS LC installed and prepared for Operation Operational Operand in output state 2 GOAL Operational Operand in intput state 1 Additional materials Used TS LC Material TS LC Planning TS LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manufact. and other TS LC LC stages TS LC Manufacturing incl.assembly, testing, prod.qual.contr.etc. TS LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc. TS LC Operating incl. maintaining, repairing, etc. TS LC Liquidating incl.disassembling, separating, recycl., etc. TS≥TS LC Available Org. inform. Available Tg inform. 0 Notes: - Technical Product/Technical System (TS), whose Life Cycle (LC) is depicted, is distinguished from the other technical systems in the respective TrfS using index LC (as a subject of LC). - Technical System TS LC has the form of information (dashed flows) in the start- up phase. Starting with manufacturing this form is changed into tangible/material form (continuous flows). - Mostly the Technical System TS LC has the function of Operand. However, in Operational phase the TS LC becomes an operator TS or its part (as expressed in a form: TS≥TS LC ). - All Operators (incl. TS) becomes temporarily an operand of the respective Assistance Operators’ Processes during maintenance and repairs, which is not for the simplicity depicted). Fig. : TS LC Life Cycle as a series of Transformation Processes (TrfP) and respective Transformation Systems (TrfS) Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS A.&R.Env. AR Env Inf.Syst. IS Manag.Syst. MgS
A.&R.Env. AREnv Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS Inf.Syst. IS ManagSyst. MgS TS iLC Planning TS iLC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manuf. and other TS iLC LC procs. TS iLC Manufacturing incl. assembly, testing, etc. TS iLC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc.. TS iLC Operating incl. maintaining,repairing, etc. TS iLC Liquidating incl.disassembling, separ., recycl., etc. TS iLC TS iLC LC A.&R.Env. AREnv Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS Inf.Syst. IS Manag.Syst. MgS TS 2LC Planning TS 2LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manuf. and other TS 2LC TS 2LC Manufacturing incl. assembly, testing TS 2LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, TS 2LC Operating incl. maintaining,repairing TS 2LC Liquidating incl.disassembling, separ TS 2LC TS 2LC LC Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS A.&R.Env. AREnv Inf.Syst. IS Manag.Syst. MgS TS-MW LC Planning TS-MW LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manuf.and other TS-MW LC LC procs. TS-MW LC Manufacturing incl. assembly, testing, etc. TS-MW LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc. TS-MW LC Operating incl. maintaining,repairing, etc. TS-MW LC Liquidating Incl.disassembling, separ., recycl., etc. TS-MW LC TS-MW LC LC Human HuS Tech.Syst. TS A.&R.Env. AREnv Inf.Syst. IS Manag.Syst. MgS TS 1LC Planning TS 1LC Designing Technological & Organizational prep. for manuf. and other TS 1LC LC procs. TS 1LC Manufacturing incl. assembly, testing, etc.. TS 1LC Distributing incl. packing, storing, installing, etc. TS 1LC Operating incl. maintaining,repairing, etc. TS 1LC Liquidating incl.disassembling, separ., recycl., etc. TS 1LC TS 1LC LC Obr. : Example of an integration of a Manufacturing Workplace (TS-MW LC Operator ) Life Cycle (LC) (left) and Life Cycles of manufactured Technical Products (TS iLC Operands ) (middle and right) TS Life Cycle 8 INTEGRATION of TS LIFE CYCLES