Level 5 Areas of Compound Shapes
Compound Shapes Shapes Compound shapes Can you describe what a compound shape is?
Recap: How do you work out the area of... Area of rectangle = Base x height Area of triangle = (base x perpendicular height) ÷ 2
Compound Shapes A compound shape is one that is made up of other shapes. To find the area of a compound shape, you need to split it up into shapes you know: Remember, there is often more than one way to split up a shape! Label each section. Write down all dimensions. Find the areas. A: B: A + B = __________ 7cm 13cm 6cm 4cm
Compound Shapes Label each section. Write down all dimensions. Find the areas. A: B: A + B = __________ 6cm 4cm 7cm 4cm
Compound Shapes Label each section. Write down all dimensions. Find the areas. A: B: A + B = __________ 13cm 8cm 15cm
Compound Shapes Label each section. Write down all dimensions. Find the areas. A: B: C: A + B + C = __________ 22cm 15cm 25cm 4cm 18cm
Compound Shapes Label each section. Write down all dimensions. Find the areas. A: B: C: A + B + C = __________ 20cm 8cm 18cm 15cm 14cm 9cm