Advising University Students on Major & Career Decision Making  Rania Murr  University of San Francisco DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, &


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Presentation transcript:

Advising University Students on Major & Career Decision Making  Rania Murr  University of San Francisco DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Final Project Objective D esign a curriculum for advising students on major and career decision making that utilizes technology in an effective and meaningful way and is grounded in theory. DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Why A Major & Career Advising Curriculum? © CIRP and the HERI at UCLA (2012) Resource: Best Practices Paper on Advising Undecided Students | Literature Review 461 broad occupations US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010) Aggregated 840 detailed occupations 97 minor groups 23 major groups Standard Occupational Classification System (SOCS), identified S tudents more than ever report that they enroll in higher education program to get jobs. T here is an overwhelming choice of careers that students are not always aware of. And also, an overwhelming choice of majors that could lead to these careers.

Why A Major & Career Advising Curriculum?  3 of every 4 students are uncertain about their career choice at college entry  8% of new students feel they know “a great deal about their intended major ”  Over half of all students in postsecondary institutions with a declared major change their minds at least once before they graduate  Only 1 senior out of 3 will major in the same field they preferred as a freshman Resource: Best Practices Paper on Advising Undecided Students | Literature Review

Technology  WebsiteWebsite  Ed-FolioEd-Folio “Academic Advising Programs (AAP) must have adequate technology to support the achievement of their mission and goals.” “AAP must use current technology to provide updated information regarding mission, location, staffing, programs, services, and official contracts to students and designated clients.” “AAP must explore the use of technology to enhance delivery of programs and services …” DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Theoretical Frameworks ❖ O’Banion’s Advising Model  The model outlines 5 elements of the advising process with the first three processes directly tied to career and major exploration: 1. Exploration of life goals 2. Exploration of career goals 3. Selection of a major/program of study 4. Exploration of course choice 5. Exploration of scheduling options  Lack of reflection on the first two processes may result in students choosing inappropriate programs / majors, changing and/or dropping majors, or poorly perform in the program they selected. DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

The Exploration Process Self Awareness Explore Options Evaluate Fit Take Action Adjust to Transition Freshmen (1 st Semester) Freshmen (2 nd Semester) SophomoreJuniorSenior DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Exploration Cycle 1. Self Assessment 2. Explore Options 3. Evaluate Fit 4. New understanding 5. Self Assessment 6. Explore Options 7.Evaluate Fit 8. New understanding 9. Take Action 10. Adjust to Transition DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Theoretical Frameworks ❖ Expectancy Value Theory (EVT)  EVT deals with motivational influences on individuals’ performance on different achievement, activities and their choices of which activities to pursue.  Most direct influences on performance and choice:  the beliefs individuals have about their ability in different areas and how well they expect to do on them,  the values or incentives different activities hold for individuals.  Eccles and Wigfield delineate three aspects of valuing achievement:  Interest Value  Attainment Value  Utility Value DML 631 | Instructional Design, Curricula, & Learning Theory | Fall 2013

Diversity, Equity, and Access H ow can higher education institutions, especially student affairs professionals improve the status and increase the representation of historically underrepresented students in majors and occupations that have traditionally attracted students from privileged backgrounds? Resource: Best Practices Paper on Advising Undecided Students | Literature Review

First-Generation Undecided Students  Choosing a major poses greater challenge because their parents may be less able to offer them guidance  They are less likely than those whose parents were college graduates to have a declared major  Factors affecting indecision:  Poor academic preparation  Lack of information about majors and careers Resource: Best Practices Paper on Advising Undecided Students | Literature Review

Historically Underrepresented Minorities Undecided Students  Perceived career-related barriers  Ethnic minorities anticipated more career barriers than did their European American peers  Career Self-efficacy  African Americans, Asian Americans Hispanics, and Filipino Americans were more likely to perceive their racial status as a barrier to their personal career development and self-efficacy  Career Maturity  “ career maturity is one’s readiness to make sound, educated career decisions.”  Stages for career maturation:  Orientation to vocational choice  Information and planning  Crystallization of traits  Wisdom of vocational preferences Resource: Best Practices Paper on Advising Undecided Students | Literature Review

List of References  Bembenu., Herfer (2012). An Interview with Allan Wiglield: A Giant on Research on Expectancy Value Motivation and Reading Achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics, V23(2),  Chen, X. (2005). First-Generation Students in Postsecondary Education: A Look at Their College Transcripts. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from NCES:  Cuseo, J. (2003). Academic Advisiement and Student Retention: Emperical connections and systematic iterventions. Retrieved May 21, 2013 from 2E71AE0D5D97/0/CuseoAcademicAdvisementandStudentRetentionEmpiraclConnectionsandSystemicInterventions.pdf F-67A6-4DF0-B2D3- 2E71AE0D5D97/0/CuseoAcademicAdvisementandStudentRetentionEmpiraclConnectionsandSystemicInterventions.pdf  Gordon, V. N. (2007). The Undecided College Student: An Academic and Career Advising Challenge. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.  Johns Hopkins Career Centers, The career Decision Making Model (Retrieved in November 2013).The career Decision Making Model  McCallaWriggins, B. (n.d.). Integrating Career and Academic Advising. Retrieved May 5, 2013, from Clearing House Academic Advsing Resources: advising.aspxhttp:// advising.aspx  Montag, T., Campo, J., Weissman, J., Walmsley, A., & Snell, A. (2012). In their Own Words: Best Practices for Advising Millennial Students about Majors. NACADA Journal, V32 (2),  O'Banion, Terry Updating the Traditional Academic Advising Model for the 21st Century. Community College Journal (Retrieved in November 2013).Updating the Traditional Academic Advising Model for the 21st Century  Pryor, Pryor, J. H., Eagan, K., Palucki Blake, L., Hurtado, S., Berdan, J., et al. (Fall 2012). The Freshmen Survey: National Norms Fall Higher Education Research Institute. Retrieved May 20 from The Freshmen Survey Publication:  Smith, J. S. (2012). First-Year Student Perceptions of Academic Advisement: A Qualitative Study and Reality Check. NACADA Journal, V22 (2),  Sneva, Jacob, N. (2011). Exploring Career Decision-making Self-efficacy, Career Maturity Attitudes, and Racial Identity Attitudes of College Students of Color. (unpublished doctoral dissertation). University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Retrieved April 15 from:

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