Web 2.0 The Power of Us Aaron Kim Certified IT Architect
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Session Overview Hype 2.0: why IBM should care Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 Web 2.0 principles Growth and The Long Tail IBM 2.0: Collaboration and Social Networking for Business Innovation: Innovation: beyond Web 2.0 What makes you special?
Hype 2.0: why IBM should care Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 Web 2.0 principles Growth and The Long Tail IBM 2.0: Collaboration and Social Networking for Business IBM 2.0: Collaboration and Social Networking for Business Innovation: beyond Web 2.0 ‣ What makes you special?
Collaborating for Innovation and Growth Join the “Web 2.0 for Business” Community Be an early adopter: join the Technology Adoption Program Develop online social skills: Post a comment to a blog or start your own Contribute content to a wiki Collaborate with ideas in ThinkPlace Extend your virtual network Recognize client opportunities for Web 2.0, Social Computing and Emerging Technologies, and get IBM involved
Web 2.0: The Power of Us
Credits IBM 2.0 logo: published by Flickr user gtmcknight under Creative Commonsgtmcknight History of IBM and logos: Web 1.0 x Web 2.0: based partially on Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2.0 Blog and Stratecast’s “Web 2.0 and Internet Revenue Opportunities”Web 2.0 Blog“Web 2.0 and Internet Revenue Opportunities” Webtop screen by GoowyGoowy Clip Art work by Juliane Krug – Open Clip Art LibraryOpen Clip Art Images: Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia Commons Earth by Noldoaran Cloud by Nicolas Clementz Fonts: Harold’s Fonts (Peace) Harold’s Fonts DaFont (Blomster, Star Jedi by Boba Fonts) DaFont Moonbase Press (Dot Matrix) Moonbase Press Anke-Art (Cheap ink killed my printer) Anke-Art “What Is Web 2.0”, Tim O’Reilly: