December 5, 2008 Worship Experience
Basics of each Worship Experience Christocentric – the focus of the life and work of Jesus (i.e. His incarnation, His teachings, His death on the cross, His resurrection, His ascension, His imminent return) Trinitarian – to worship God the Father, through God the Son, and by God the Holy Spirit
Basics of each Worship Experience Informed by Scripture – God’s word teaches us who He is and how we are to worship Him Acts of God – the acknowledgement that God is our creator and redeemer The involvement of the Worshippers heart, soul, mind, and body – there must be a holistic approach to God with our whole being
Basics of each Worship Experience God’s revelation and the worshipper’s response – a dialogue between God and the worshipper. As God speaks through scripture and the Holy Spirit, the worshipper responds through prayer, praise, acts of obedience, and ministry of the spiritual gifts
Basics of each Worship Experience Historical The past: the story of the Israelites; the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; the coming of the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit; and our conversion experience The present: the reality of Jesus’ presence in our lives; the acknowledgement of His work of transformation in our lives The future: anticipates the hope of spending eternity with God; worship is the rehearsal of the supper with the Lamb
Let’s review...
Why Do We Worship? Some goals of worship To show honour and respect to God by restating who He is To remember the life and work of Jesus Christ To approach God with humility and integrity ○ New Testament, spirit and in truth To see God in a more accurate way ○ Putting Him in a box? To understand more clearly His will for His people and respond accordingly
John 4:19-24 God seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth Spirit ○ Worship from the inside out true passion, authenticity ○ Heart engaged in worship true passion, authenticity Truth ○ God for who He really is ○ Not who you think He is ○ Nor who you have made Him to be ○ Nor want Him to be
How do you feel? God seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth ○ Emotional rollercoaster, spiritual highs ○ Should Worship be devoid of all emotions? Worship communication, relationship with Jesus -He had compassion, wept, anger, etc. -Authenticity ○ 1 Samuel 16:23 Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.
Worship Leading During a Worship Set Transitions A little less conversation? ○ Do not distract encourages, prepares... ○ Let songs and preacher do the talking Personal testimony/sharing ○ Demonstrates authenticity, models worship in private, relatable
Worship Leading During a Worship Set Scripture reading ○ Truth from God, communication, understanding who He is and who we are in Him ○ Praying with scripture, meditating on scripture, reciting scripture Introducing a song/lyrics ○ Helps congregation understand, gives more meaning to the song rather than just a tune Reduce/eliminate distractions, facilitate communication/relationship encourage, prepare...
“Holy” actions generally associated with worship Singing, lifting hands, kneeling, closing eyes, speaking expressions of praise, waiting on God But does it automatically mean it is worship? Why do some worshippers do it, then? Why do others not do it? How do you personally worship God with all your body, mind, and soul?
Charismatic Worship Charismatic gifts: tongues, prophesy Acts 2, Acts 10, 1 Cor. 12, 1 Cor. 14 Charismatic lingo: certain phrases from Scripture Inappropriate, disrespectful Not anti-scriptural, not involving charismatic gifts issue of style, not doctrine “I believe God is leading/directing me/us to...”
Free Worship – Jeff Deyo There has to be a time at every worship service where...something happens that is not planned May sing a song a million times, not knowing/understanding what it means
Free Worship – Jeff Deyo Key to worship is getting our hearts, minds to come to an understanding of God so that we can be completely surrendered to Him Instead of spoon-feeding songs/lyrics all the time, the congregation needs to be challenged, allowed to come up with something from them to God As worship leaders, how can we prepare and still be led by the Spirit?
The congregation: Needs and Culture Changes over time (ex: thou) Choices: song, language, instruments Learn, appreciate different historical forms of worship (monastic, home fellowships, Mass, retreats,etc.) Crossing Cultural Boundaries Examine home culture Get to know people from other churches Ask questions
The congregation: Feedback to the Worship Leader Encouragement Criticism Consider biases, source, specificity, own humility
The congregation: Preferences Genres, styles, covers Importance of diversity of worship teams, leaders
References Deyo, Jeff. Kavanaugh, Patrick. Worship – A Way Of Life. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, Siewert, Al, Crouch, A., Frazier, M., and Frazier, S. Worship Team Handbook. Downers Grove: IVB Books, 1998.
Next workshop Worship Team Practices Friday, December 19, :45PM in basement sanctuary