NWHPEC Board Meeting July 24, 2014 via telecom In Attendance: Mike Funke, Richard Carroll, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 12:23pm Financial Update (Mike): - P&L and Balance Sheet are looking solid. Julie’s Q2 salary and expenses from ESCO are still to be received. Event Updates (Julie): -Learning Tours: Next up: August 5 th Learning Tour at CP Medical, which is not full yet. Next up: August 19 th at Woodfold (full event). -Training Classes: July 15 th Intro to Lean at USNR was a full class taught by Michael Schmich. Ratings and feedback were good for Michael’s first Intro class. Julie is working with NWHPEC’s instructors to schedule an Intro class at Axiom in the fall. -Executive Forum’s: Dan Miller’s Lean and the Human Element Part III held on July 17 th – another outstanding session. Next up: Part IV on August 14 th. Julie is working with Mike Hoseus on the fall event, which will be new: Enterprise Management Development System: A precursor for Hoshin Kanri (June 2015). We need a host for the Workshop. Since this is a brand new event, Julie will schedule a telecom with key members to review the outlines and key learning points to find a Workshop host. This is critical because this event will take a group of companies into the June 2015 Hoshin Kanri Workshop. -Best Practice Sharing Session: Julie is still developing an idea to create a new event, such as the first CEO-Executive session to couple with the January 2015 Membership Meeting. Julie contacted David Marquet, author of Turn the Ship Around (see link to the YouTube video: to learn about his availability, fees, and keynote/Workshop outline. Another possibility is Mark Lewis, President of Woodfold who just updated their mission statement to say, “[We are in business to} enrich the lives of 65 families.” Mark is a strong leader who his peers could learn from. Julie is thinking to hold one Best Practice Sharing Session in 2015 (in June). Old Business: -Member Feedback: Julie will invite the same group of feedback participants to a second session to be held in September to dive deeper into the original feedback. Julie will work with Alex to see if he’s willing and available to moderate this session. -NWHPEC Organizational Update: Julie is working on completing several small actions to move NWHPEC out of ESCO: -3 rd Party Payroll Set-Up: Julie met with the PrimePay representative to begin the set-up process. They are still working through the Workers Comp and 401k processes. Once all processes are in place, Julie will involve Mike to ensure billing is accurately set up. -Insurance Umbrella Liability Policy: Julie contacted Travelers and learned that NWHPEC has two current policies: Multi-Peril: $1M/occurrence & $2M annually and Umbrella: $1M/occurrence and $1M annually. If needed, these policies would be combined providing us $3M annual coverage. Our annual cost is $880/year. Increasing the Umbrella to provide $3M annually would cost $1357/year and $5M $2167/year. These coverage's provide liability only for body, property, personal, premises, and advertising injury. NWHPEC Board Directors are not personally covered under these policies. For that, we need a Directors & Officers Coverage Bond policy. Julie is providing Travelers with the necessary information for a quote on the cost of this policy. - and file back up: Kyle suggested we have an and file back up system. Julie is looking into Carbonite (per Kyle’s suggestion). -Scan paper doc’s: Julie has several paper documents on retention per either the grant or taxes. The Board suggested looking into the cost of scanning these documents for retention versus storing hard copies. Next Board Meeting:August 28 th at Con-way Enterprise Svcs. Noon – 2:00pm Adtech I Building – Boardroom (2 nd floor) 1717 NW 21 st Ave., Portland, OR 97210
Page 2 New Business: - eLearning for NWHPEC members: Julie learned Worksystems is potentially looking for a partner to offer companies eLearning focused on continuous improvement. Julie doesn’t know if and/or how much demand our members might have for this, but is entering into conversations with Worksystems to learn more about what they want to do. NWHPEC Board Meeting