Commas are used when modifying phrases are implanted within an independent clause. A good way to test for modifying phrases is to read the sentence without them. If the sentence still makes sense, then it is an modifying phrase Form followed >>> First part of independent clause +, modifying phrase +, final part of independent clause Example: My dad, a fireman, works in a very dangerous environment.
Commas are used in a list or series. Though commas technically aren’t required before the last item of a list, it is in accordance with most accepted styles of writing to do so. Form followed >>> List item #1+, list item #2+, list item #3, etc. Example: We would like paper, pens, and erasers
For dialogue, commas are used before initial quotation marks. A comma is used following closing quotation marks when the dialogue is a statement and the sentence continues. Examples≥≥≥ The students said to their professor, “Please don’t give us homework.” “We want to have fun this weekend,” they explained.
Mistake: Using a comma in front of “that” INCORRECT: The colors, that were used to decorate the reception hall, were well-matched. CORRECT: The dress that she wore to the wedding was beautiful. Separating a verb from its subject INCORRECT: One of the smartest things a writer can do, is learn how to use commas correctly. CORRECT: One of the smartest things a writer can do is learn how to use commas correctly. Separating verbs INCORRECT: She jogged for 30 minutes, and walked for 20 minutes. CORRECT: She jogged for 30 minutes and walked for 20 minutes