Alcohol: Use and Abuse Chapter 13
Why do people drink? Alcohol: class of chemical compounds. The main chemical is ETHANOL. What is a Drink? Proof: measure of the percentage of alcohol in an alcoholic drink. Proof equals twice the percentage of alcohol. Ex. 100 proof means 50% of alcohol. Drink: amount of a beverage that delivers a ½ oz. of pure ethanol.
Types of Drinkers. Moderate drinker Social drinker Binge drinker: drinks 5 or more drinks in a short period. Problem drinker: alcohol abuser; suffers social, emotional, family, job related, or other problems because of alcohol. Alcohol addict (alcoholic): full blown disease of alcoholism.
Effects of Alcohol. Alcohol impairs the Central Nervous System. Begins acting on the body the moment a person swallows it. It does NOT have to be digested. Within minutes after the sip, ethanol is affecting the brain, muscles, nerves, glands, and small blood vessels. It also passes through the liver.
Impairment of Organs. Liver changes alcohol into wastes. Can only handle about 1 drink per hour. If a person drinks more than this amount, the excess overflows into the bloodstream. Lungs excrete a little ethanol from the bloodstream as a gas exhaled in the breath. Blood Vessels of the skin widen making the drinker feel flushed and warm. Nerves and brain. Alcohol depresses the action of the CNS (sets limits on behavior). Someone under the influence of alcohol will talk/laugh louder and gesture more broadly after these controls are gone.
More effects of ALCOHOL. Female = 1 alcoholic drink vs. Male = 2 alcoholic drinks. Alcohol disperses in body water, and pound for pound, women have less water in their bodies than men do. So after a man and woman of the same weight drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman's blood alcohol concentration will tend to be higher – this puts women at greater risk of harm. Leading cause of deaths among teens is accidents, homicides, and suicides. Alcohol makes all 3 more likely.
Excessive Drinking affects judgment. Intoxication: a state of being poisoned, is a term often used to mean drunkenness. It is possible to drink enough alcohol fast enough so that alcohol continues to be absorbed after the person passes put. This accounts for thousands of deaths each year of young people who binge drink. Cirrhosis: liver disease. Alcohol causes the liver cells to fill with fat. Fetal Alcohol syndrome: cluster of birth defects, including permanent mental and physical retardation and facial abnormalities.
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) 1st Offense 2nd offense 3rd Offense Minimum Jail No minimum jail time required 5 days jail to 6 months 10 days jail to two years Fines and Penalties $300 $300 to $2500 $500 to $5000 License Suspension No 12 months IID* Required Yes, if refusal to take chemical test Yes, during period of restricted license Under 21 .02% 21 or older .08%
Accidents and Alcohol Driving while intoxicated (DWI): driving with alcohol or any mind altering substance in the bloodstream. PA Alcohol related accidents - 381 people died in alcohol related deaths in 2013 91% of the deaths the other driver was drunk. 75% of the alcohol related crashes were male. 75% of the alcohol related crashes were at night/weekend. On average each day 1 person were killed in ARC. On average each day 22 persons were injured in ARC.
MADD Mothers against drunk driving. Teenage Statistics ( During the past 30 days, (high school students) 35% drank some amount of alcohol. 21% binge drank. 10% drove after drinking alcohol. 22% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.
How to REFUSE drinking. Say NO in a firm voice. Explain why you are refusing and suggest alternatives. Back up your words with body language. Leave the situation if necessary.