Exodus Chapter 6:7-13 THE LORD’S PRAYER I.Introduction A.Jesus contrasting the hypocrisy with having the correct heart.
1.Giving to the poor and praying. a) Give discretely. b) Pray privately. (1) Scribes did publicly. (a) Follow Jesus with pure hearts. (b) Focus to be the Lord.
(i)Do what we do with Jesus in mind. 2.He is going to show them how to pray! a) Simplicity of The Lord’s Prayer. II.Matthew 6:7-8
A.Reference to Battus, a poet. 1.Jamieson Fausett Brown = to, “Babble not”. a) Repetitive prayer from idol worshippers! (1)Paul messed up selling of trinkets.
(a)They abandoned their idols. (i) Acts 19:34 (a) 2 hours of the same thing! (2)Express best: (a)1Kings 18:25 (i) You do not need to shout!
(a) Their god will not hear! (i) Pagan religions today do the same. 2.To assume God is deaf! a) The Lord knows their needs. (1)He gave a “guideline” for prayer.
(a) This prayer is a guideline! III.Matthew 6:9 A.Our prayers address to the One and True God! 1.No need to shout or repeat!
IV.Matthew 6:10 A.All our needs simplified: 1.Matthew 6:25 2.Matthew 6:31 a)Verse 10 V.Matthew 6:11
A.Manna could not be stored. 1.The Lord wants us to seek Him daily! a)HE NEVER RUNS OUT! VI.Matthew 6:12
A.Keeps us “right” with the Lord. 1.1John 1: Our “true north!” a)We are obligated to forgive others. b)The cleansing we need.
VII.Matthew 6:13 A.The Lord cannot be tempted. 1.Psalms 141:4 a)Keep us from doing anything stupid” part of the prayer.
VIII.CONCLUSION A.Matthew 6: elements = 5 verses a)A good prayer would contain these ingredients:
(1)Should address our Father.