To: Kyla Now we are going to talk to you about our Christmas traditions about the Crib and the Christmas Tree.
In Italy we make the Crib on the eighth of December. Our Crib is composed by a manger in which there are Joseph, Mary and Jesus representing the Holy Family, behind them there are a donkey and an ox. Above the manger there is the Comet and a lot of Angels.
In front of the manger, to adore Jesus, there are shepherds with sheep and lambs, washer women farmers with cocks and hens, players of the zampogna, artisans and in the distance there are the Three Wise Men who reach the manger bringing gifts as gold incense and mirra the sixth of January. Francesco Finco From: Francesco Finco
In our country on the eighth of December we decorate Christmas Trees that can be real or false with small red, gold, blue or silver balls which are made in glass or plastic. At these we add gingers, chocolates, small pine cones, Angels and small snowmen.
Often we use coloured bows, golden or red streamer and coloured lights. At the head of the tree there’s a golden tip or a star like the Comet. Under the tree people put their presents. From: Marco Carraro