RS RAS Sthelochkov G.G. Bragin V.D. Matix A.I. Sychev V.N. Sycheva N.A. Krasnokutskaya N.Y. IS NAS RK Abdrahmatov K.E Chehovskaya R.A. Shakurov U.S. KNET People
Year of creation: 1991 Number of stations: 10 10Seismometers: STS2 (Streckeisen) KNET Location
KNET List of stations Station The beginning of work The ending of work LatitudeLongitudeHeight (km) AML KZA KBK AAK TKM CHM UCH USP ULHL EKS
KNET Station, characteristics of STS2 sensor
Realtime process: July 1998 года July 1998 года Points: KIS,RS RAS,IRIS Programs : ANTELOPE ANTELOPE -to be updated Operation system: SOLARIS 2.9 KNET Realtime
Programm:HYPOCENTER 6-layer velocity model ( Stive Roecker) RMS: sec (1200 м) sec (1200 м) Number of events: more 5000 more 5000 KNET Catalog of earthquakes ( )
The research connected with an opportunity of the control of nuclear explosions and studying of a threshold of their detection. Researches of deep structures of the Earth. Distribution of seismic waves velocities and velocity structures of the Crust of Central Asia. Studying of focal mechanisms and seismotectonics deformations and etc. Wide band seismological studies (grading records for studying distribution of seismic waves, spectra of seismic signals etc). Relationships between regional and global seismicity, and between weak and strong events occurring. Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic; Institute of Physics and Mechanics of Rocks, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic; Institute of Seismology, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic Kazakhstan; Schmidt Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences; Schmidt Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences; Indiana University (US); Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego (US); Massachsetts Institute of Technology (US); International Seismological Center (Thatcham, UK) Subjects of researchs Scientifics organizations KNET Using KNET data in Scientific Research
KNET Using data for researchs in RS RAS Study of STD Two regimes of STD: Strike slip and Ttanspression Distribution of omega angle ( stressed-strained state angle) Distribution of seismisity: real, Puasson, Poya, Gamma. Study of distribution of seismic activity
Resume Digital seismic network KNET is a good tool for -World geoscience community -Regional (Central Asia) seismologists and geophysisists. KNET is relevant for international collaboration under FDSN
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