Clio Interlending Management System FIL Interlend 2006 University of Southampton 11 July 2006 Larry Perkins, Clio Software Dorothy Perkins, Clio Software
11 July 2006 Who we are Clio Software founded in 1996 Dedicated exclusively to inter- library loan management software Customer base expanded to UK in 2003 Expanded to Australia in 2005 New Zealand coming in 2007
11 July 2006 Clio – Overview Clio Patron Local DB British Library Libraries Reports Local Opac Staff ISO-compliant services
11 July 2006 Clio – Overview A complete management tool for interlibrary loan Capture requests from your patrons Check local resources Route requests to suppliers Track requests through their lifetime Maintain local DB of all transactions forever Produce custom reports and statistics Become a paperless office
11 July 2006 Patrons Requests originated via: –Web form –Paper form –OpenURL enabled bibliographic DB View request status throughout request cycle
11 July 2006 Staff Mediation, as desired Validate citation Check local holdings Check other holdings, COPAC, BL, CAIRNS, etc patron Route to potential lenders directly or via other services
11 July 2006 British Library -1 Submit via ART Multiple accounts All Art keywords and search levels available for ART Default settings for accounts and certain keywords Complete history of each request
11 July 2006 British Library -2 Review current Replies and other items pending Chasers and Reapplys automatically scheduled and sent Send Cancels for Waitlist items patron automatically, if desired BL Replies ‘Help’ screen
11 July 2006 Requesting from other services Route requests to any ISO compliant service, e.g., UnityUK Route requests directly to any ISO compliant library Send requests via text directly to libraries
11 July 2006 Receiving Items Update record using Clio assigned request # patron Status available on Clio Web patron screen Print bookstrap Request renewals
11 July 2006 Reports 40 built in reports –User selectable time period –Created on demand –Years of data available MS Access database permits custom reports Flexible search screens allow export to MS Excel Support collection development
11 July 2006 Summary Make life easier for your patrons Make life easier for yourself Keep your management happy