GEF CReW Workshop on Sustainable Financing Facilitation Meeting Sustainable Financing Mechanism in Wastewater Management National Environment and Planning Agency Managing and protecting Jamaica’s land, wood & water
Sustainable Financing Mechanism in Wastewater Management The treatment of wastewater is very rarely seen as a means of making a profit or viable use of funds by lending agencies. As such the operators of wastewater treatment facilities find it difficult to maintain operate and improve these treatment systems. As such, IDB through the GEF CReW provided funding for innovative financing modalities for wastewater projects. One such method is the use of investment and sustainable financing. Jamaica and other Caribbean countries needs to develop a mechanism to achieve sustainable financing in the wastewater sector. One example of sustainable financing is the revolving loan scheme of the Student Loans Bureau. The advent of the NRC Wastewater and Sludge Regulations require that all treatment plants meet the tertiary standards for sewage and the NRCA Trade Effluent Standards for all other types of wastewater. As such operators of wastewater treatment plant will require funding in order to upgrade to meet these standards. Additionally, the polluter pays principle applies to all licenced dischargers and it would be in there best interest to ensure that the effluent is of the highest quality to lower their payments.
StakeholderIndicator 1TargetAssumptionRiskGap Timeline Resource Valuation of Wastewater Management
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StakeholderIndicator 8TargetAssumptionRiskGap Timeline Resource Valuation of Wastewater Management