Module 4—Literacy Strands Arts Education
Learning Outcomes Participants will: explore the relationship between the new Essential Standards and the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Identify the natural links between Arts Instruction and Literacy concepts
Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Come to understand other perspectives and cultures
Demonstrate Independence Understand key points ◦ (e.g. Plot, Focal Points, Musical Theme) Build on others’ ideas & articulate their own ◦ (e.g. improvisation, presentation) Broad vocabulary ◦ (e.g. movement, stage directions, dynamic markings, visual art techniques)
Build Content Knowledge ◦ Read purposefully ◦ Listen attentively ◦ Gain discipline-specific expertise
Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline ◦ Nuance ◦ Tone ◦ Context
Comprehend as well as critique ◦ Open-minded ◦ Discerning ◦ Adhere to protocol
Value evidence ◦ Describe what you see in the painting… ◦ Describe what you hear that supports… ◦ Describe what movements were … ◦ Describe the characterization … ◦ Describe the technical elements that …
Use technology and digital media strategically and capably ◦ How do students have an opportunity to use technology and digital media in your arts classroom?
Come to understand other perspectives and cultures ◦ Global nature of the 21st century classroom ◦ Learning from one another & working together ◦ Communicate effectively with others ◦ Demonstrate respect
Key Ideas and Details ◦ Read closely, make logical inferences, cite specific evidence ◦ Determine central ideas - summarize key supporting details and ideas ◦ Analyze how & why individuals, events, ideas develop and interact over the course of the text Consider how this happens in your classroom.
Craft and Structure ◦ Interpret words and phrases ◦ Analyze structure of texts ◦ Assess how point of view/purpose shapes the work Consider how this happens in your classroom… College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas ◦ Use content presented in a variety of ways ◦ Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text ◦ Analyze how 2 or more “texts” address similar themes (compare approaches of the authors) College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards
#10 - Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity ◦ Text complexity ◦ Classic & Contemporary as well as Informational Text ◦ Myths, US Documents, American Literature, Shakespeare College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards
Reading (comprehension, fluency) Writing (clarity, compelling) Speaking & Listening (articulation, perception) Language conventions (e.g. rules, vocabulary)
Learning Outcomes Participants have explored the relationship between the new Essential Standards and the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & identified the natural links between Arts Instruction and Literacy concepts Share: 1) an affirmation of something you already do 2) an element that you will try in the next 3 weeks 3) a concept that you would like to try but may need more support Wrap-up & Next Steps