VISION Foster the conservation, sustainable use and access to and sharing of benefits of PGRFA Promote enabling policy environment for food security and.


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Presentation transcript:

VISION Foster the conservation, sustainable use and access to and sharing of benefits of PGRFA Promote enabling policy environment for food security and biodiversity Increase synergies between the Treaty, and the Convention and the Nagoya Protocol OBJECTIVES Further develop and implement programmatic complementarities Promote communication between the COP, the COP/MOP and the GB, and their subsidiary bodies; Maintain practical cooperation between the Secretariats Continued support and participation in capacity-building activities for harmonious implementation of the NP and IT Respond to further opportunities regarding outcomes of GB-6 and COP-13 MILESTONES report to GB-6 on progress of CBD work and results of cooperation report to COP-13, COP-MOP-2 and their HLS issue joint notification on crop wild relatives and protected areas CBD-IT ROAD MAP ( )

SCBD activities Joint work plan ITS activities Supporting in-situ/On- farm Conservation work Protected Areas/CWR Arts 8j & 10c (TK & SU) CHM and ABS Clearing House NP implementation Selected Treaty BSF operations Sust Use & pre-breeding Arts 6 & 9 (SU & FR) GLIS on PGRFA and MLS informatics (Article 17) MLS implementation Areas of cooperation 2. GLIS and CBD CHM & ABS-CH … Joint Initiative signed at Rio+20 Art 8j & 10Art 9 & 6 3. TK/Sust Use and Farmers’ Rights & Sust Use … 1. Harmonious MLS/NP Implementation Joint capacity building, technical support, research & communication 4. Crop wild relatives and Protected Areas Arts 8 & 10 Art 5 & 6 CHM and NP ABSGLIS on PGRFA and MLS 5. Joint Resource Mobilization for joint project proposals

Areas of cooperation 2. GLIS and CBD CHM & ABS-CH Continued collaboration between the Secretariats of the IT and the CBD to support synergies in the development and implementation of the Global Information System and the ABS Clearing House, in particular to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and relevant developments. 3. TK/Sust Use and Farmers’ Rights & Sust Use The Secretariat of the Convention, raising funds, develops training materials and facilitates training opportunities for representatives/trainers of indigenous peoples and local communities on matters under the Convention with a focus on customary sustainable use and community-based monitoring and information systems as a contribution to the CBD indicators process. The Secretariats of the IT and the CBD will continue to look for opportunities to collaborate on these activities on issues of mutual relevance. 1. Harmonious MLS/NP Implementation Joint capacity building, technical support, research & communication In supporting the harmonious implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the International Treaty, the Secretariats collaborate at various levels. Both Secretariats are working with partners, including Bioversity International and the ABS Capacity Development Initiative, to organize workshops on mutually supportive implementation of the two instruments and to undertake a pilot project on mutually supportive implementation with Benin and Madagascar. 4. Crop wild relatives and Protected Areas The two Secretariats will work, together with partners, to emphasize the need for Parties to provide better coverage of CWR under protected area systems, and other area based conservation measures, based on existing decisions of the CBD and ITPGRFA and using available guidance on protected areas and CWR. A notification to this effect will be prepared. Follow-up work will include opportunities for capacity building on this topic, including through the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas. This will include further capacity building support, as opportunities arise, regarding sustainable use of CWR and plant pre-breeding activities. 5. Joint Resource Mobilization for joint project proposals The two Secretariats have agreed to explore the development of joint projects proposals as well as the need for joint resource mobilization in this context.

The Roadmap Activities/Milestones 2nd st st nd nd 2015 Capacity building activities CWR & Sustainable Use Report to COP 13/COP-MOP 2 Joint events at COP 13 (TBD) Preparation of proposals for joint projects Cooperation on ABS-CH & GLIS Tandem Workshop in Africa /Capacity building activities Sustainable Use Cooperation on CWR, PA & Sust Use Cooperation on ABS-CH & GLIS Report to Governing Body Joint events at GB-6 Cooperation on CWR & Sust Use Development of joint components in the sustainable use work programmes Arts 8j & 10c CBD and Arts 6 & 9 IT Cooperation on ABS-CH & GLIS Tandem Workshop in Asia/Capacity building activities Joint promotion/information material ActivitiesMilestones