C HARITIES A PPEALS B Y : S OPHAL P HAN ID: IntroductionIntroduction TaskTask ProcessProcess EvaluationEvaluation ConclusionConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page refugee-crisis.html
I NTRODUCTION Your school starts collecting money for charities to help people and crisis happening in the world. The money will be donated to charity that helps elderly people with food and housing, an incurable disease or AIDS. The donation will also be given to an organization that provides emergency supplies and medicine for disaster victims, conducts cancer research, and provides animal rescue shelters and so on. The school gives general information related to a few international charities. Your school also ask students to give suggestions which charity to donate money to. You will need to work in a group of three, identifying a charity and suggesting that that charity is the best one to donate to. MenuNextBack
T ASK Working in a group of three, you will choose one charity to discuss in your group and you have to convince them that that charity is the best choice to donate the money to. Take note of what the charity does, their success or achievement and how we can get involved. For more information about the three charities. Click on the logos below. MenuNextBackEvaluation
P ROCESS How to choose your charity, 1. Read the three charities. (click on the logos below) 2. Choose one of the three charities and read it in details. 3. Use the charity table as a guide to take notes. charity table 4. Discuss about your charity with your group members. (through chat rooms or skype) 5. Once you all agree on one good charity, prepare for a group presentation to the class. Prepare it now.Prepare it now MenuBackEvaluation
E VALUATION beginning (1)Developing (2)Qualified (3)Exemplary (4)Score Work Independently Required constant supervision from the instructor. Required help from other team mates Required minimal assistance by another teammate to complete the tasks. Required no help to complete the tasks. Work Collaboratively Unfocused and disruptive towards other teammates. Partly Participated while working with teammates. Contributed to the team. Be always on task and work hard towards team contribution Presentation / speaking Limited communicative effectiveness; control of basic sentence forms persuasive language; general meaning conveyed. Partly effective; often inappropriate tones and styles; use simple grammar structures to convince effective communication; often inappropriate tones and styles; accurate simple grammar structures of persuasive language confident and effective communication; accurate complex grammar structures to convince people Menu The criteria below will be used to evaluate your language ability to complete the task. Back
C ONCLUSION Well done! Now that you have worked in groups to convince your classmates on your charity. More importantly, you have convinced the principle on your charity because you have used persuasive language very well in your presentation. You have also read about many charities and understood that they are using your money to help others in needs. Good job! Menu
T EACHER P AGE Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Menu This web quest is designed to help students discover some of the world charities and organizations. The aim is to help students understand what different charities do, and also to teach them conditional structures. The students have to read three charity websites to get information so that they can make a suggestion to their class on which charity is best. First they discuss in their groups (of 3) to agree on one charity. Then they prepare a poster and give a group presentation to the class, convincing their classmates on their charity.
T EACHER P AGE Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Menu Learners: Young adults learning English as a foreign language in South East Asia Level : Intermediate Lesson Focus: Conditional and speaking The student will learn about charities through reading three different websites, Amnesty International, Crisis, and WWF. Each student will convince their group members on their chosen charity, and then in groups convince their class. To convince their group, they have to collect information about their charity by reading it in details and taking notes. To convince their class, they have to do a maze to learn persuasive language, prepare a poster and present it to the class together.
T EACHER P AGE Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Menu Discussion and Oral Presentation based on authentic reading texts based on real life task designs based on authentic discussion promoting independent learning and collaborative process understanding and appriciating charities’ work
T EACHER P AGE Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Menu Activity 1: Reading 1.Allow students to read the webquest and 3 websites for gist. 2.Studnets read 1 website in details and take notes by using Charity Table. Activity 2: Discussion 1.Students go online and discuss in groups of 3 with information on their note. 2.Students choose one charity. Activity 3: Language Focus 1.A Maze (conditional clause) 2.A Quiz (comprehension questions and grammar structure) Activity 4: Collabotive Activity 1. Students discuss and design a poster (using free poster maker websites). Activity 5: Group Presentation 1. Students convince the class on their charity.
T EACHER P AGE Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Menu The 3 Charities: 1.Amnesty International: Crisis: 3.WWF: Handout: 1.Charity Table (printed handout) A Maze: 1. Poster makers: 1.Letter Pop: 2.Flip Snack: book-template/ book-template/
P REPARATION FOR GROUP PRESENTATION 1. First each group member takes a responsibility: talking about (1) what this charity does, (2) how they can get involved, and (3) the success or achievement the charity has. 2. Find one reason each why you choose this charity. 3. Create a poster. There are free templates to collect but you have to go through two challenges: A $5 million Maze A Quiz 4. You just unlocked free poster templates. Create the poster now.Create the poster now 5. Present the ideas to and convince your classmates on your charity with one good reason each. MenuNextBackEvaluation
C HARITY T ABLE charity or organization Who or what the charity tries to help How the charity helps The charity’s success Amnesty International WWF Crisis MenuBack
Q UIZ 1. Which charity helps to protect and defend human rights? a. Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International b. CrisisCrisis c. WWFWWF
Q UIZ 1. Which charity helps to protect and defend human rights? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Well done! Next
Q UIZ 1. Which charity helps to protect and defend human rights? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Sorry that is not the correct answer! Try again
Q UIZ 2. Which charity helps to protect environment? a. Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International b. CrisisCrisis c. WWFWWF
Q UIZ 2. Which charity helps to protect environment? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Sorry, that is not the correct answer. Try again
Q UIZ 2. Which charity helps to protect environment? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Excellent Job! Next
Q UIZ 3. Which charity helps homeless people? a. Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International b. CrisisCrisis c. WWFWWF
Q UIZ 3. Which charity helps homeless people? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Sorry, that is not the correct answer. Tray again!
Q UIZ 3. Which charity helps homeless people? a. Amnesty International b. Crisis c. WWF Fantastic! Let’s go the next question!
Q UIZ 3. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you had to choose between being rich and famous, which _______ you choose? a. wouldwould c. willwill
Q UIZ 3. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you had to choose between being rich and famous, which _______ you choose? a. would c. will Fantastic! Let’s go to the next question!
Q UIZ 4. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you had to choose between being rich and famous, which _______ you choose? a. would c. will Sorry, this is not the correct answer. ‘will’ is used with 1 st conditional, not with 2 nd conditinal. Let’s try another question!
Q UIZ 5. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you _______ any help, let me know and I’ll come and help you right away. a. needneed c. neededneeded
Q UIZ 5. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you _______ any help, let me know and I’ll come and help you right away. a. need c. needed Fantastic! Y ou have just unlocked the free templates. Let’s continue preparing a poster.
Q UIZ 5. Choose the correct answer, a or b to fill in the blank. If you _______ any help, let me know and I’ll come and help you right away. a. need c. needed Sorry, this is not the correct answer. ‘past simple’ is used in 2 nd conditional, not in 1 st conditinal. This is the end of the quiz. Let’s continue to prepare for your project!
C REATE A POSTER Poster sample -launches-campaign-to-raise.html Your poster should consist of: A logo of your chariy One or two pictures Persuasive language What people can do to help Here are the free poster templates: Letter pop Flip Snack MenuBack