APT to Succeed Academic Achievement Skills Personal Management Skills Teamwork Skills
APT to Succeed is the culminating portfolio activity for middle school students in the Troy School District where students showcase their strengths in: Achievement Skills Teamwork Skills Personal Management Skills
All middle school students gather their best work from 6 th – 8 th grade in portfolio form with the guidance of their teachers.
Community Professionals conduct Showcase Portfolio Interviews with 8 th graders in May. May 7 and May 8 are the dates in 2014
Selected 8 th graders share their portfolio experience with younger students to help get them prepared for their APT to Succeed Interview.
Provides opportunity for students to reflect upon and evaluate their own work Encourages Organized Presentation of Portfolio Shows student growth over the middle school years Exposes students to resume building Allows for Community/Professional Interaction Prepares Students for the Interview Process Sharing of experience with younger students
Each of the Troy Middle Schools has designed a way to manage portfolios that fits the dynamics of their building. Basically, students gather their best work from their middle school years and assemble it in an organized fashion.
Students All Teachers Building Portfolio Committee Office Staff Community Volunteers Parents
Guide students through the process of writing a resume for their APT interview. Ensure portfolios have a distribution of content areas and APT entries. Encourage students to organize their portfolios in binders for their interview. Teach and practice interviewing skills.
Recruits volunteers for APT Interviews through the use of networking and a sign up genius through Kerry Birmingham. Asks that if parents volunteer as professionals, they sign up for a middle school other than their child’s. This makes the experience more authentic!
Provide a 3 ring binder and other needed materials for students to organize portfolios for the spring of their 8 th grade year. Support students in the organization process. Conduct a practice interview, asking students to showcase their best work in each of the portfolio areas. Volunteer to be an APT Interviewer, at a middle school other than the one their child attends.
Thank you for your interest and commitment to the ongoing process of the APT to Succeed Portfolio Program!