for Business Web 2.0 Expo NY November 18, 2009 Sarah Milstein Effective
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Today Your goals for Twitter The giant sentiment machine Q&A Effective posts
Today Your goals for Twitter The giant sentiment machine Q&A Effective posts
What will be different in three months, six months or a year because we've engaged on Twitter?
Photo: Sreejith_K, Flickr What will be different in three months, six months or a year because we've engaged on Twitter?
Photo: lemoncat1, Flickr What will be different in three months, six months or a year because we've engaged on Twitter?
With whom do we want to connect?
Photos: Judith Wolfe With whom do we want to connect?
What kind of information is interesting to these people?
What kinds of problems might a Twitter account raise?
Today Your goals for Twitter The giant sentiment machine Q&A Effective posts
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Today Your goals for Twitter The giant sentiment machine Q&A Effective posts
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Today Your goals for Twitter The giant sentiment machine Q&A Effective posts
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