edTPA Information taken from
What is edTPA? edTPA is a preservice assessment process designed by educators to answer the essential question: "Is a new teacher ready for the job?” Stanford University faculty and staff at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) developed edTPA.
What is edTPA designed to achieve? edTPA can be used for teacher licensure and to support state and national program accreditation edTPA: Provides an evidence-based process that can be used across states to confirm that teacher candidates demonstrate their readiness for the classroom. Measures candidates' ability to differentiate instruction for diverse learners, including students who are ELL and in SPED. Provides data that can be used to improve teacher education programs.
How is edTPA constructed and used? Evidence of a candidate's ability to teach is drawn from a subject-specific learning segment of 3-5 lessons from a unit of instruction taught to one class of students. Materials include video clips of instruction, lesson plans, student work samples, analysis of student learning, and reflective commentaries. Based on the submitted evidence, faculty and candidates can discuss the impact of candidates' teaching performance on student learning and determine ways to improve teaching. Faculty can analyze evidence of candidate performance to guide decision-making about program revision. State education agencies may use edTPA scores for licensure and accreditation.
Evidence of Teaching Practice: Artifacts and Commentaries Candidates submit artifacts and commentaries as evidence of how they planned and implemented instruction Artifacts include lesson plans, copies of instructional and assessment materials or data collection procedures, video clips of teaching, and work samples Commentaries describe the artifacts, explain their rationale, and analyze what has been learned about teaching practice and impact on learner(s).
Evaluation Criteria 15 rubrics specific to subject area 5 rubrics related to planning 5 rubrics related to instruction 5 rubrics related to assessment Five-level rubrics assess performance of a novice ranging from not ready to teach (Level 1) to the advanced practices of a highly accomplished beginner (Level 5). Local evaluation uses 3 categories of performance, emerging, proficient and advanced
What are the standards upon which it is based? Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards Common Core State Standards and Specialized Professional Association (SPA) standards National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) standards Reflects candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions
What are others’ roles in edTPA? The American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) supports the development and implementation of edTPA and is helping to share information about edTPA with its member institutions As an operational partner, Pearson will deliver the assessment materials, online technology, program resources, and other support to teacher candidates that's required for multi-state use of edTPA program.
What subjects will be available for edTPA? Early Childhood Elementary Education Elementary Literacy Elementary Mathematics English as an Add’l Language Health Education K-12 Performing Arts K-12 Physical Education Middle Childhood English-LA Middle Childhood History/Social Studies Middle Childhood Mathematics Middle Childhood Science Secondary English-Language Arts Secondary History/Social Studies Secondary Mathematics Secondary Science Special Education Visual Arts World Language
North Carolina Participants Initial Participants East Carolina University UNC Chapel Hill Winston Salem State University Recent Participants NC State UNC Greensboro UNC Asheville Western Carolina University- Go CATS!
Who is participating in edTPA? Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Indiana Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon South Carolina Tennessee Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming
EdTPA Leadership Team Dale Carpenter Kim Ruebel Dan Grube Renee Corbin Lee Nickles Mary Beth Decatur Myra Watson, BK Carrie Rogers, ELED Baxter Williams, MG Holly Pinter, MG & Pearson Scorer Mary Ella Engel, Social Sciences Sarah Meltzer, Secondary Other Bob Beaudet, HPE Marissa Ray, Inclusive Ed, Coord.
Collaboration with Public Schools Still defining policy and procedures for edTPA 1 st generation programs anticipate faculty scoring Public School Partners need to be informed about edTPA and changing expectations for various majors Development of website on edTPA Correspondences from OFE and others As other, larger programs begin, may have stronger need for training of and support from cooperating teachers of interns I and II
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